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Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Switzerland: Deloitte CFO Survey Q2 2015 – The rocky road to recovery

We are delighted to present our 24th quarterly survey of Chief Financial Officers and Group Finance Directors of major companies based in Switzerland.

Key points from the survey:
- After a major drop in confidence in Q1, CFOs see somewhat more scope for optimism about the Swiss economy this quarter. 41% are pessimistic, 16% are optimistic. Around a quarter of CFOs expect Switzerland to face a recession over the next two years, compared with the Q1 figure of 36%.
- Expectations for revenues and operating margins are still negative, though the former have recovered noticeably since Q1. However, pressure on operating margins remains high, with 73% of CFOs expecting margins to fall.
- A majority of CFOs expects cuts in discretionary spending, planned capital expenditure and the number of employees in their company.
- CFOs are less pessimistic than in Q1 about virtually all the corporate risks explored in the Survey but still rate these risks as extremely high in some cases. The strength of the Swiss Franc remains the highest risk, cited by 70% of CFOs. As in Q1, this is followed by geopolitical risk and increasing regulation within Switzerland.
- 82% are planning to take action in the area of personnel in response to the higher costs resulting from the strength of the Swiss Franc. Almost 50% are considering reducing the size of their company’s workforce.

The survey gauges attitudes to valuations, risk, and financing, and is designed to pick up trends and turning points in the Swiss economy and corporate sector. It communicates the views of the CFO community to the wider public and is regularly featured in the national media. A total of 111 CFOs from a wide range of industries participated in the Q2 2015 survey.

Download below the survey (PDF 16 pages)

Les médias du groupe Finyear

Lundi 28 Septembre 2015