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Mid-Market & Small-Cap M&A Financial Reviews Q1 2014: Thomson Reuters

Please find below Thomson Reuters Mid-Market and Small-Cap M&A Reviews for Q1 2014 containing league table rankings on global, regional and single country levels.

Click here for the Mid-Market M&A Review (for deals valued up to $500 million)

- Worldwide announced Mid-Market M&A deals valued up to $500million (including undisclosed value deals) totaled US$166.1 billion for the first quarter of 2014 – a 2.6% increase year-on-year.

- Estimated global fees generated from completed Mid-Market M&A activity reached US$2.7 billion for the first quarter of 2014, according to estimates by Thomson Reuters and Freeman Consulting.

- The Americas region (by target domicile) led the market, with US$62.8 billion of announced deal activity, representing a 37.8% share of the market. The Americas region (by target domicile) also led the market in terms of deal count, with 2,774 deals for the first quarter of 2014, representing 33.6% of the 8,254 deals announced worldwide.

- The Real Estate sector comprised 17.4% of announced value, followed by Financials and Energy and Power, each of which represented 12.4% of the total market.

- PricewaterhouseCoopers topped the worldwide Mid-Market rankings with 96 deals.

Click here for the Small Cap M&A Review (for deals valued up to $50 million)

- Worldwide announced Small-Cap M&A deals valued up to $50 million (including undisclosed value deals) totaled US$26.3 billion in the first quarter of 2014 – a 4.1% decrease year-on-year.

- Estimated global fees generated from completed Small-Cap M&A activity equalled US$1.2 billion in the first quarter of 2014, according to estimates by Thomson Reuters and Freeman Consulting.

- The Asia-Pacific (ex Central Asia) region (by target domicile) led the Small-Cap market, with US$11 billion of announced deal activity. The European region (by target domicile) led the market in terms of number of deals, with 2,527 deals for the first quarter of 2014, representing 34.2% of the 7,393 deals announced worldwide.

- The Industrials sector captured 14.7% of total announced Small-Cap value deals, followed by High Technology and Real Estate, each of which respectively registered 12.6% and 11.6% of the overall market.

- PricewaterhouseCoopers topped the worldwide Small-Cap rankings with 77 deals.

Thomson Reuters

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Mercredi 14 Mai 2014