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Markets, Ratings, Statistics and Rates - July 20, 12 (6th update)

Markets, Ratings and Rates - July 20, 12.

Markets, Ratings, Statistics and Rates - July 20, 12 (6th update)

Next issue: Monday, August 27, 2012
Prochaine édition : lundi 27 août 2012

MARKETS by ETX Capital and RATINGS by Thomson Reuters (

09:30 AM
ETX Capital calls the FTSE 100 and DAX indices both down 6 points and the CAC-40 down 3 points.

Regional markets are set to open on a softer note today, pausing for breath after registering healthy gains during the course of the week. Weak data from the US yesterday (higher weekly jobless claims, poor existing home sales and softer Philly Fed) provide markets with an excuse to take some cash off the table.

Asian markets edged lower overnight, adding further pressure on European prices. With today’s economic calendar looking rather light – UK public finances being the only major highlight – markets appear to be lacking momentum to build on recent gains. Today’s major catalyst is likely to be the conference call between EU finance ministers to complete the agreement on the Spanish bank bailout. Germany and France are also testing appetite for debt with T-bill auctions later, which should see both countries draw solid demand, particularly after France’s strong bond auction yesterday.
In terms of US earnings, corporate giants GE and Xerox Corp both report 2Q numbers.

Ishaq Siddiqi - Market Strategist - ETX Capital -

10:00 AM
Bulletin de marché trimestriel de Russell Investments: retour de balancier

John Velis, Responsable EMEA de la Recherche sur les Marchés de Capitaux, livre ses dernières perspectives pour 2012

« Alors que l’été s’installe, nous constatons que ces trois mêmes inquiétudes déjà présentes à la fin du premier trimestre n’ont pas disparu et même qu’elles se renforcent mutuellement à de nombreux égards. Les doutes quant à la santé économique et financière d’une région pèsent sur les autres zones géographiques. Lorsqu’une région semble avancer d’un pas, les pressions qui pèsent sur les autres s’atténuent et les marchés s’apprécient dans le monde entier. Le contraire est également vrai. Ainsi, nous sommes confinés dans un monde dans lequel les investisseurs ne peuvent pas sortir d’un va-et-vient perpétuel entre appétit et aversion au risque (risk-on, risk-off), et les décideurs – de même que les économistes, dommage pour eux ! – n’ont pas le temps de se reposer »

« Nous conseillons aux investisseurs d’être prudents à court terme. L’optimisme d’une semaine peut se transformer en aversion au risque la semaine suivante. Nous sommes convaincus que nous sortirons de cette période marquée par une triple inquiétude avec de solides perspectives fondamentales pour les marchés, mais d’ici là, nous nous préparons à affronter quelques montagnes russes. »

Perspectives en Europe
« Le sommet de juin a permis de progresser, mais les avancées demeurent insuffisantes. Bien que les marchés aient rebondi après l’annonce de l’accord, nous demeurons convaincus qu’il reste encore beaucoup à accomplir et dans un contexte économique anémique, ce sera d’autant plus difficile à réaliser. Les philosophies des dirigeants nationaux divergent toujours profondément quant à ce qu’il conviendra de faire à l’avenir, et il reste un grand nombre de détails à ajouter aux grandes lignes de cet accord. Le sommet de juin ne permettra sans doute de tenir un certain temps, mais ne mettra pas pour autant un terme à la crise. »

« Entre-temps, la croissance continue de s’infléchir en Europe. Non seulement des pays périphériques, tels que la Grèce, l’Espagne et l’Italie, enregistrent une croissance faible trimestre après trimestre, mais même les pays centraux « solides », tels que l’Allemagne, affichent des chiffres de croissance atones. Cet environnement de récession sape la patience politique et publique, et affaiblit la volonté de parvenir à un compromis, mais il rend surtout la consolidation budgétaire encore plus difficile. Avec la détérioration des perspectives de croissance, la crise de la zone euro pourrait bien s’intensifier davantage. »

“Malgré la survie probable de l’euro dans l’immédiat, il ne faudra selon nous pas longtemps avant que les conditions de marché n’obligent à la tenue d’un nouveau sommet et à la prise d’autres mesures. Nous craignons qu’au fil de l’été, l’Europe ne risque encore de déstabiliser les marchés. »

Stratégie d’investissement
“A court terme, toutes ces incertitudes militent en faveur d’une attitude prudente. Les marchés oscillent chaque jour au gré des nouvelles statistiques et/ou des informations sur les mesures politiques. Si vous tombez juste, prendre des positions importantes peut vous faire gagner beaucoup d’argent, mais vous en faire perdre tout autant – voire davantage – dans le cas contraire. Par exemple, la réaction du marché depuis le sommet de juin de l’UE a globalement été positive. On aurait peut-être pu faire valoir rétrospectivement qu’un positionnement positif sur les actifs risqués aurait été la bonne position à avoir préalablement. Cependant, les risques que le sommet débouche au mieux sur un statuquo étaient tout aussi importants, et les retombées boursières dans ce cas auraient sans doute été bien pires. »

“D’ailleurs, il s’en ait fallu de peu ; le sommet ne débouchait sur rien jusqu’à 4h00 du matin, bien après l’heure à laquelle il aurait dû se terminer. Cela met en évidence la difficulté de se positionner – prendre des risques ou les réduire – sur des décisions qui dépendent essentiellement de compromis politiques obtenus suite à d’intenses pressions et influencés par de nombreux facteurs. Qui est prêt à gérer son portefeuille sur ça ? »

“Nous avons toujours été assez (en fait franchement) enclin à recommander des prises de positions significatives lorsque nous avions le sentiment que les conditions étaient réunies. Prenons pour témoin la période du début 2009 à la mi-2011 pendant laquelle nous étions assez positifs sur les actions mondiales. La période actuelle est bien différente.”

“Nous croyons cependant avec optimisme que, si nous traversons ces eaux agitées et lorsque nous les aurons traversées, la mer calme qui nous attend au-delà nous permettra de naviguer vent arrière et sans à-coups. La politique budgétaire est accommodante, les valorisations sont attractives et les entreprises seront en bonne santé. Prenons l’exemple des prévisions de bénéfices pour les actions mondiales : bien qu’inférieures à ce qu’elles ont été, elles annoncent quand même une croissance décente des profits sur les douze prochains mois. Si l’économie mondiale se redresse et que l’Europe progresse, il y aura matière à soutenir les marchés. Lorsque le balancier penchera de nouveau clairement en faveur des actifs risqués, nous conseillerons sans détour de saisir les opportunités. Pour l’heure, nous attendons de voir dans quel sens se fera le retour de balancier, et limitons nos expositions d’ici là. »

John Velis, Responsable EMEA de la Recherche sur les Marchés de Capitaux, Russell Investments.

10:30 AM
Une zone euro à deux vitesses, la France dans le bon wagon ?

La France et l’Espagne s’endettent dans des conditions diamétralement différentes. Les deux émissions obligataires nationales d’hier sont révélatrices des différences d’appréciation du risque crédit par les investisseurs. Alors qu’ils accordent une confiance très limitée à l’Espagne, les marchés semblent de nouveau considérer la signature française comme une valeur refuge, quasiment équivalente au bund allemand, l’ultime référence.

En effet, l’Espagne a fait appel au marché pour lever des fonds à moyen-long terme et le coût de ces nouvelles émissions obligataires s’est renchéri dans des proportions significatives : 1.36 milliard d’Euros levé à 2 ans à un taux de 5.204% contre 4.706 % précédemment, 1.07 milliard d’Euros levé à 5 ans à un taux de 6.459% contre 6.072% précédemment, 548 millions d’Euros levés à 7 ans à un taux de 6.701% contre 4.832% précédemment. Qui plus est la demande des investisseurs pour ces titres a été relativement décevante, avec moins de 3 milliards d’euros d’obligations émises.

Cette nouvelle séquence de tensions sur les taux ibériques reflète le sentiment d’aversion au risque des investisseurs. L’absence de visibilité sur la capacité de l’Espagne ou de l’Italie à réduire davantage les dépenses publiques, les encourage à rester à l’écart des actifs obligataires des pays du sud, ou à exiger une prime de risque élevée.

A contrario, cette perception du risque bénéficie aux OAT françaises qui gagnent en crédibilité sur les marchés. La France a émis près de 9 milliards d’euros d’obligations rémunérés à des taux moindres que lors des émissions précédentes : 1.810 milliard d’Euros levé à 3 ans à un taux de 0.12% (1.09% précédemment). 2.648 milliards d’Euros levés à 4 ans à un taux de 0.53% (1.89% précédemment).
4.500 milliards d’Euros levés à 5 ans à un taux de 0.86% (1.43% précédemment). Le contraste est saisissant avec les taux espagnols, si l’on se réfère aux CDS à 5 ans : la prime est d’assurance à 5 ans est de 168 pdb pour la France, contre 578 pour l’Espagne, soit un écart de plus de 400 pdb entre les deux emprunteurs.

Les taux français à trois ans se rapprochent même de leurs homologues allemands, tout proches de 0. Une bonne nouvelle pour les finances publiques françaises, dont la dette représente 89.3% du PIB et dont le déficit public est en voie de légère amélioration. Attention toutefois, cette détente obligataire qui conforte la place de la France dans le bon wagon des débiteurs souverains européens, ne doit pas inciter l’Etat à profiter d’un coût du crédit relativement attractif pour s’endetter davantage.

Ce commentaire est signé Fabrice Cousté, DG de CMC Markets France

10:40 AM
Marchés actions : peuvent-ils monter quand la microéconomie ralentit ?

"Après s’être focalisés sur l’avenir de la zone euro tout au long du second trimestre, les investisseurs se concentrent désormais sur la saison de publications de résultats qui vient tout juste de débuter. Le challenge est de taille car les nuages en chassent d’autres : par le passé, les analystes financiers ont toujours eu du mal à intégrer les effets d’un retournement économique, comme le montre l’écart entre leurs anticipations de début d’année et les résultats effectivement publiés par les entreprises européennes qui avait atteint 31% dans les années 2001-2002 et même 37% dans les années 2008-2009… il est donc peu de dire que l’acuité des analystes s’effondre en cas de récession. Or au regard des premières publications de résultats et des avertissements déjà lancés, la microéconomie européenne ne semble pas en mesure de donner une seconde impulsion aux marchés actions du Vieux continent, après le rebond de juin lié au reflux du stress concernant la crise des dettes souveraines et bancaires."

Une étude PrimeView
Accédez à l'intégralité de l'étude à partir du lien suivant : (PDF 17 pages)

11:00 AM
Equity Briefing: Upgrades and Downgrades for July 19th
A number of stocks were upgraded and downgraded by equities research analysts today, as reported by Analyst Ratings Network and Equity Briefing:

Stephens downgraded shares of Air Methods Corp (NASDAQ: AIRM) from an overweight rating to an equal weight rating.
Brean Murray downgraded shares of Alpha Natural Resources (NYSE: ANR) from a buy rating to a hold rating.
Sterne Agee downgraded shares of A.O. Smith (NYSE: AOS) from a buy rating to a neutral rating.
KeyBanc downgraded shares of A.O. Smith (NYSE: AOS) from a buy rating to a hold rating.
Wedbush downgraded shares of A.O. Smith (NYSE: AOS) from an outperform rating to a neutral rating.
Raymond James downgraded shares of Arris Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: ARRS) from a strong-buy rating to an outperform rating.
Citigroup upgraded shares of AthenaHealth (NASDAQ: ATHN) from a neutral rating to a buy rating. Citigroup now has a $110.00 price target on the stock.
Guggenheim downgraded shares of American Express (NYSE: AXP) from a buy rating to a neutral rating.
Janney Montgomery Scott downgraded shares of Cardinal Financial Co. (NASDAQ: CFNL) from a buy rating to a neutral rating.
Argus downgraded shares of CMS Energy (NYSE: CMS) from a buy rating to a hold rating.
Benchmark Co. downgraded shares of Ceradyne (NASDAQ: CRDN) from a buy rating to a hold rating. Their analysts now have a $25.00 price target on the stock.
BNP Paribas downgraded shares of CRH PLC (NYSE: CRH) from an outperform rating to a neutral rating.
JPMorgan Chase upgraded shares of Dominion Resources, Inc. (NYSE: D) from an underweight rating to a neutral rating.
JPMorgan Chase downgraded shares of 3D Systems Co. (NYSE: DDD) from a neutral rating to an underweight rating.
ISI Group downgraded shares of Digital Realty Trust, Inc. (NYSE: DLR) from an overweight rating to a market weight rating.
Capital One upgraded shares of Diamond Offshore Drilling, Inc. (NYSE: DO) from a neutral rating to a neutral rating.
William Blair upgraded shares of Dover Co. (NYSE: DOV) from a market perform rating to an outperform rating.
Benchmark Co. initiated coverage on shares of DSW Inc. (NYSE: DSW). They issued a hold rating on the stock and set a $60.00 price target.
Sterne Agee downgraded shares of East West Bancorp Inc (NASDAQ: EWBC) from a buy rating to a neutral rating.
Jefferies Group upgraded shares of FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) from an underperform rating to a hold rating.
Global Hunter Securities downgraded shares of Great Panther Silver (NYSE: GPL) from an accumulate rating to a neutral rating. Their analysts now have a $2.25 price target on the stock, down previously from $3.00.
Susquehanna upgraded shares of Hyatt Hotels (NYSE: H) from a neutral rating to a positive rating.
Macquarie downgraded shares of Hawaiian Electric (NYSE: HE) from a neutral rating to an underperform rating.
ThinkEquity initiated coverage on shares of Imperva Inc. (NASDAQ: IMPV). They issued a buy rating on the stock.
Jefferies Group downgraded shares of ISIS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: ISIS) from a buy rating to an underperform rating.
Robert W. Baird downgraded shares of Johnson Controls, Inc. (NYSE: JCI) from an outperform rating to a neutral rating.
Gabelli initiated coverage on shares of Layne Christensen (NASDAQ: LAYN). They issued a buy rating on the stock.
Ladenburg Thalmann initiated coverage on shares of Medley Capital (NYSE: MCC). They issued a buy rating on the stock and set a $13.00 price target.
Raymond James upgraded shares of MarketAxess Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ: MKTX) from an outperform rating to a strong-buy rating.
Wunderlich raised its price target on shares of Mellanox Technologies, Ltd. (NASDAQ: MLNX) from $85.00 to $150.00. They have a buy rating on the stock.
Edward Jones initiated coverage on shares of National-Oilwell Varco, Inc. (NYSE: NOV). They issued a buy rating on the stock.
Jefferies Group lowered its price target on shares of Northern Trust Co. (NASDAQ: NTRS) from $51.00 to $49.00.
C.K. Cooper initiated coverage on shares of Orbit International Corp. (NASDAQ: ORBT). They issued a hold rating on the stock.
Keefe, Bruyette & Woods downgraded shares of PacWest Bancorp (NASDAQ: PACW) from an outperform rating to a market perform rating.
Roth Capital initiated coverage on shares of Pc Connection Inc. (NASDAQ: PCCC). They issued a buy rating on the stock.
Citigroup downgraded shares of Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. (NYSE: PEG) from a buy rating to a neutral rating.
ThinkEquity initiated coverage on shares of Procera Networks Inc (NYSE: PKT). They issued a buy rating on the stock and set a $30.00 price target.
CIBC downgraded shares of Potash Corp (NYSE: POT) to an outperform rating.
SunTrust downgraded shares of Primerica Inc. (NYSE: PRI) from a buy rating to a neutral rating.
Goldman Sachs downgraded shares of Quanta Services, Inc. (NYSE: PWR) from a neutral rating to a sell rating.
UBS AG upgraded shares of Renren Inc. (NASDAQ: RENN) from a sell rating to a neutral rating.
Feltl & Co. downgraded shares of ResMed Inc. (NYSE: RMD) from a buy rating to a hold rating. Their analysts now have a $35.75 price target on the stock, down previously from $38.00.
Caris & Co. upgraded shares of Sally Beauty Holdings Inc (NYSE: SBH) from an above average rating to a buy rating. Caris & Co. now has a $31.00 price target on the stock.
RBC Capital upgraded shares of Susser Holdings Co. (NASDAQ: SUSS) from a sector perform rating to an outperform rating.
Needham & Company downgraded shares of Skyworks Solutions, Inc. (NASDAQ: SWKS) from a buy rating to a hold rating.
Sterne Agee upgraded shares of Skyworks Solutions, Inc. (NASDAQ: SWKS) from a neutral rating to a buy rating. Sterne Agee now has a $31.00 price target on the stock.
Raymond James downgraded shares of S.Y. Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ: SYBT) from an outperform rating to a market perform rating.
RBC Capital downgraded shares of Terex Co. (NYSE: TEX) from an outperform rating to a sector perform rating.
Sanford C. Bernstein downgraded shares of Theravance, Inc. (NASDAQ: THRX) from an outperform rating to a market perform rating.
Oppenheimer downgraded shares of US Bancorp (NYSE: USB) from an outperform rating to a market perform rating.
Argus downgraded shares of Xcel Energy Inc. (NYSE: XEL) from a buy rating to a hold rating.
Alliance Data Systems (ADS) issued its quarterly earnings data on Thursday. The company reported $2.13 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the analysts' consensus estimate of $1.91 by $0.22. Alliance Data Systems's revenue was up 17.0% compared to the same quarter last year.
Autonation (AN) issued its quarterly earnings data on Thursday. The company reported $0.66 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the analysts' consensus estimate of $0.59 by $0.07. Autonation's revenue was up 17.0% compared to the same quarter last year.
Arbitron (ARB) announced its earnings results on Thursday. The company reported $0.37 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the analysts' consensus estimate of $0.31 by $0.06. Arbitron's revenue was up 9.1% compared to the same quarter last year.
Baxter International (BAX) announced its earnings results on Thursday. The company reported $1.12 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the analysts' consensus estimate of $1.11 by $0.01. Baxter International's revenue was up 1.0% compared to the same quarter last year.
BB&T (BBT) announced its earnings results on Thursday. The company reported $0.72 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the analysts' consensus estimate of $0.70 by $0.02. BB&T's revenue was up 13.3% compared to the same quarter last year.
The Blackstone Group L.P. (BX) announced its earnings results on Thursday. The company reported $0.19 earnings per share for the quarter, missing the analysts' consensus estimate of $0.21 by $0.02.
Columbus McKinnon Corp. (CMCO) announced its earnings results on Thursday. The company reported $0.43 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the analysts' consensus estimate of $0.27 by $0.16. Columbus McKinnon Corp.'s revenue was up 9.4% compared to the same quarter last year.
Cypress Semi (CY) announced its earnings results on Thursday. The company reported $0.18 earnings per share for the quarter, meeting the analysts' consensus estimate of $0.18. Cypress Semi's revenue was down 21.1% compared to the same quarter last year.
Quest Diagnostics (DGX) issued its quarterly earnings data on Thursday. The company reported $1.17 earnings per share for the quarter, meeting the analysts' consensus estimate of $1.17. Quest Diagnostics's revenue was up .2% compared to the same quarter last year.
Danaher (DHR) issued its quarterly earnings data on Thursday. The company reported $0.84 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the analysts' consensus estimate of $0.80 by $0.04. Danaher's revenue was up 24.7% compared to the same quarter last year.
Diamond Offshore Drilling (DO) issued its quarterly earnings data on Thursday. The company reported $1.09 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the analysts' consensus estimate of $0.91 by $0.18. Diamond Offshore Drilling's revenue was down 17.0% compared to the same quarter last year.
Entegris (ENTG) issued its quarterly earnings data on Thursday. The company reported $0.16 earnings per share for the quarter, meeting the analysts' consensus estimate of $0.16. Entegris's revenue was down 10.0% compared to the same quarter last year.
Fairchild Semiconductor International (FCS) issued its quarterly earnings data on Thursday. The company reported $0.14 earnings per share for the quarter, missing the analysts' consensus estimate of $0.16 by $0.02. Fairchild Semiconductor International's revenue was down 16.6% compared to the same quarter last year.
Freeport McMoRan Copper and Gold (FCX) issued its quarterly earnings data on Thursday. The company reported $0.74 earnings per share for the quarter, missing the analysts' consensus estimate of $0.79 by $0.05. Freeport McMoRan Copper and Gold's revenue was down 23.0% compared to the same quarter last year.
Fifth Third Bancorp (FITB) issued its quarterly earnings data on Thursday. The company reported $0.40 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the analysts' consensus estimate of $0.35 by $0.05.
GATX (GMT) announced its earnings results on Thursday. The company reported $0.49 earnings per share for the quarter, missing the analysts' consensus estimate of $0.62 by $0.13.
Genuine Parts Company (GPC) announced its earnings results on Thursday. The company reported $1.08 earnings per share for the quarter, meeting the analysts' consensus estimate of $1.08. Genuine Parts Company's revenue was up 4.8% compared to the same quarter last year.
Huntington Bancshares Incorporated (HBAN) announced its earnings results on Thursday. The company reported $0.17 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the analysts' consensus estimate of $0.16 by $0.01.
Hubbell Inc B (HUB.B) announced its earnings results on Thursday. The company reported $1.29 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the analysts' consensus estimate of $1.23 by $0.06. Hubbell Inc B's revenue was up 9.8% compared to the same quarter last year.
Insteel Industries (IIIN) announced its earnings results on Thursday. The company reported $0.05 earnings per share for the quarter, missing the analysts' consensus estimate of $0.13 by $0.08. Insteel Industries's revenue was down 5.1% compared to the same quarter last year.
Johnson Controls (JCI) announced its earnings results on Thursday. The company reported $0.64 earnings per share for the quarter, missing the analysts' consensus estimate of $0.67 by $0.03. Johnson Controls's revenue was up 2.1% compared to the same quarter last year.

12:00 AM
European markets are trading in a soft manner today, with clients consolidating this week’s healthy gains across equities. Weak overnight data from the US, together with some hesitation around the EU finance ministers conference call over the Spanish bank bailout adds the pressure on price-action, giving market participants an excuse to take some cash off the table.

Protests in Spain over austerity measures and a lack of detail on the bank bailout plans have pushed the country’s 10-year bond yields back above the unsustainable 7% mark. Fears are growing that austerity measures will not be able to alleviate pressure on Spain’s borrowing costs, will eat away at economic growth and cause long-term hardship for the beleaguered nation.

Even the Finnish parliament’s vote to support the bailout of Spanish banks failed to cheer markets, with investors ignoring efforts by EU nations taking steps to unite on policies to stem the crisis. Looking ahead, the focus is now on EU finance ministers for more details on the bailout plans.

With no major data releases due later today from the US, markets are desperately seeking direction and headlines out of the conference call may help drive markets. US stock futures are trading lower, with the attention on earnings from General Electric. ETX Capital currently see the DJIA down 34 points and the S&P 500 down around 5 points.

Ishaq Siddiqi - Market Strategist - ETX Capital -

2:30 PM
European markets and the euro have taken a turn for the worse today, smacked by headlines out of Spain. Although EU finance ministers have adopted the Spanish bank bailout, sentiment has been rattled by Spain painting a bleaker outlook than previously by downgrading its economic growth forecasts for 2013 and 2014. As such, the Spanish IBEX-35 index has lost over 3%; the euro sank almost a cent against the dollar after the news while the 10-year Spanish bond yield is back above the dangerous 7% mark.

It’s obvious that no matter how much money policymakers throw at Spain and other ailing nations, the economic growth outlook remains grim for the euro zone periphery, with austerity measures leading to little gain and long term pain. Moreover, bailout funds by policymakers used to prop up nations such as Spain will only be chomped up – bailouts will only lead to more bailouts until a country finally defaults.

Mixed messages from Spanish politicians underpin the worry surrounding the country. Earlier, reports suggested that the Valencia region is to apply for the government liquidly program, but the country’s budget minister later said he was surprised by the aid request. Core European markets are at day lows, while US stock futures have slumped, hurt by Spanish worries and GE reporting an 18% fall in 2Q earnings. Eyes turn to the US open for further direction.

Ishaq Siddiqi - Market Strategist - ETX Capital -

STATISTICS of the day

UE27 - July 20

Second estimate for the first quarter of 2012
EU27 current account deficit 4.1 bn euro
31.1 bn euro surplus for trade in services

According to the latest available data, the EU271 external current account2 recorded a deficit of 4.1 billion euro in
the first quarter of 20123, compared with a deficit of 31.3 bn in the first quarter of 2011.

Seconde estimation pour le premier trimestre 2012
L’UE27 a enregistré un déficit des échanges courants de 4,1 milliards d’euros
Excédent de 31,1 milliards d’euros pour la balance des services

Selon les dernières données disponibles, le compte des opérations courantes de l’UE27 a enregistré un déficit de 4,1 milliards d’euros au premier trimestre 2012, comparé à un déficit de 31,3 mrds au premier trimestre 2011.


In June 2012 the index of producer prices for industrial products rose by 1.6% from the corresponding month of the preceding year. The year-on-year rate of price increase was last lower in May 2010 (+0.9%). In May 2012 the annual rate of change was +2.1%.

Markets, Ratings, Statistics and Rates - July 20, 12 (6th update)

Vendredi 20 Juillet 2012