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Investment Banking Scorecard from Thomson Reuters – 7 March 2014

The Investment Banking Scorecard from Thomson Reuters gives you the ‘Fast Facts’ of the week in Investment Banking, as well as taking a closer look at trends in deal making, with league table movements and regional activity in M&A, capital markets and syndicated loans also included.

Please click below for this week’s Investment Banking Scorecard – and get in touch if you would like any specific data.

· GERMANY ECM activity totals $5.0 billion for YTD 2014, up 55% compared to a year ago
· US FOLLOW-ON activity falls 31% for slowest annual start since year-to-date 2012
· GLOBAL IPO activity totals $28.2 billion for YTD 2014, up 70% compared to a year ago
· Real Estate, Consumer Staples and Retail M&A see double-digit percentage declines
· Telecommunications ECM activity falls 84% compared to 2013 levels
· Materials DCM activity totals $18.6 billion, down 55% compared to a year ago

• US-dollar denominated investment grade corporate debt totals $236.6 billion so far in 2014, up 11% compared to a year ago and the strongest year-to-date period since records began in 1980. Non-US Issuers have raised $85.8 billion in the US investment grade debt markets this year, accounting for 37% of overall volume and an increase of 34% compared to year-to-date 2013. Companies from France, the United Kingdom and Japan account for nearly 15% of year-to-date activity.

• Just over $43.0 billion in US-dollar corporate debt issuance came to market this week, marking the second best all-time week for US-dollar denominated debt. The week of September 8, 2013, which saw the record-breaking $49 billion offering from Verizon Communications holds the weekly record with $67.8 billion in proceeds.

• Bouygues Telecom's $19.9 billion bid for France's SFR pushed the level of European M&A activity to $117.9 billion for year-to-date 2014, a 58% increase compared to last year and the best annual start for European deal making since 2011. JP Morgan currently leads the year-to-date rankings for European target M&A.

• M&A activity in China, South Korea and Australia, which currently account for nearly 71% of overall Asia Pacific M&A, have pushed deal making in the region to $71.5 billion for year-to-date 2014, a 32% increase compared to 2013 levels. Morgan Stanley holds the top spot for Asia Pacific target M&A advice so far this year.

• Worldwide announced private equity-backed M&A activity totals $96.7 billion for year-to-date 2014, a 12% increase compared to a year ago. The figure, which includes this week's $13.6 billion bid for Safeway Inc by Cerberus Capital Management-backed Albertsons, marks the best year-to-date period for private equity-backed M&A since 2007.

Thomson Reuters

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Mercredi 12 Mars 2014