Concordium's Founder Lars Seier Christensen takes an expanded role in Concordium
Concordium, the layer-1 blockchain company, has announced that Lone Fønss Schrøder will step down from the CEO position and instead join the Board of the Concordium Foundation.
Meanwhile, Concordium founder and chairman Lars Seier Christensen will play a more active role in Concordium as it gears up for further expansion and user adoption.
Lars Seier Christensen will work closely with Concordium's team to raise further awareness of its permissionless layer 1, science-backed blockchain platform while expanding the active Web3 and Crypto community.
As a key project in the industry, Concordium has delivered an innovative and useful blockchain. Concordium is working with a range of private and public organisations that are building on the Concordium blockchain to improve existing processes, supporting entirely new and exciting business verticals. The platform enables security and transparency in a world that truly needs it.
Concordium provides a fast, secure, and highly scalable blockchain platform, which differs from other blockchains by having mandatory ID verification of users, instant finality of blocks, and low stable transaction fees pegged to the Euro.
Lars Seier Christensen, Chairman and Founder of Concordium, said: "I am very grateful to Lone for her huge contribution to Concordium; we would not have come this far without her tireless efforts. I look forward to working with Lone on the Board."
"On a daily basis, I will continue as chairman in an expanded role, driving the Concordium project forward, supported by the operational management of Kåre Kjelstrøm, CTO, Torben Kaaber, Head of Commercial, and Jørgen Hauglund, CFO."
SOURCE Concordium
Concordium, the layer-1 blockchain company, has announced that Lone Fønss Schrøder will step down from the CEO position and instead join the Board of the Concordium Foundation.
Meanwhile, Concordium founder and chairman Lars Seier Christensen will play a more active role in Concordium as it gears up for further expansion and user adoption.
Lars Seier Christensen will work closely with Concordium's team to raise further awareness of its permissionless layer 1, science-backed blockchain platform while expanding the active Web3 and Crypto community.
As a key project in the industry, Concordium has delivered an innovative and useful blockchain. Concordium is working with a range of private and public organisations that are building on the Concordium blockchain to improve existing processes, supporting entirely new and exciting business verticals. The platform enables security and transparency in a world that truly needs it.
Concordium provides a fast, secure, and highly scalable blockchain platform, which differs from other blockchains by having mandatory ID verification of users, instant finality of blocks, and low stable transaction fees pegged to the Euro.
Lars Seier Christensen, Chairman and Founder of Concordium, said: "I am very grateful to Lone for her huge contribution to Concordium; we would not have come this far without her tireless efforts. I look forward to working with Lone on the Board."
"On a daily basis, I will continue as chairman in an expanded role, driving the Concordium project forward, supported by the operational management of Kåre Kjelstrøm, CTO, Torben Kaaber, Head of Commercial, and Jørgen Hauglund, CFO."
SOURCE Concordium
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