Cliquez ci-dessous pour la revue Thomson Reuters des investissements bancaires en France et ci-dessous au niveau Global pour Q2 2014.
Lazard Tops 1H 2014 Any French Involvement M&A Ranking
Working on 26 deals with a combined value of US$98.3 billion, Lazard took the top spot for advisory on announced M&A with French involvement during the first half of 2014. Credit Suisse and Morgan Stanley followed in second and third place, respectively.
Any French Involvement M&A Fees Up 42%; BNP Paribas Leads
According to Thomson Reuters / Freeman Consulting, fees from completed M&A deals with any French involvement totaled US$868.4 million so far during 2014, an increase of 42% from the same period in 2013 (US$613.2 million). BNP Paribas earned the most fees for their advisory work on completed M&A deals with French involvement so far this year, taking US$83.9 million, or a 10% share.
Any French Involvement M&A Quadruples; Domestic M&A Up Sixfold; Inbound Up 675%; Outbound Up 62%
Bolstered by the US$39.5 billion merger of cement giants Lafarge SA and Holcim Ltd, and General Electric’s US$17.1 billion bid for Alstom’s energy assets, the value of announced M&A transactions with French involvement reached US$97.2 billion during the second quarter of 2014, up 38% from the previous quarter and the highest quarterly total since the first quarter of 2006. The total for the first six months of 2014 reached US$149.2 billion, four-times the value recorded during the same period last year (US$37.8 bln).
French target M&A totalled US$132.8 billion so far during 2014, seven-times the value registered during the same period in 2013 (US$18.9 billion). Domestic M&A increased sixfold year-on-year to reach US$56.8 billion, which accounted for 43% of French target activity. The remaining 57%, or US$76.0 billion, involved a foreign acquirer. Switzerland was the most active foreign acquirer, accounting for 52% of the inbound French M&A market by value, largely due to the Holcim/Lafarge tie-up. Outbound French M&A increased 62% to US$10.3 billion. The preferred targets were US companies, with US$2.3 billion worth of deals accounting for 23% of French outbound M&A activity. The materials sector accounted for 28% of first half 2014 French involvement M&A, while telecoms accounted for 17%.
French DCM Up 35% YTD; 1Q’14 Falls 10% from 1Q’14; Natixis Leads with 12%
Debt capital markets activity in France totalled US$98.9 billion during the second quarter of 2014, a 10% decline from the from the previous quarter. Despite this, first half activity reached US$209.3 billion, up 35% from the first six months of 2013 (US$154.6 billion) and the highest first half level since 2009. Natixis took the top spot for French DCM underwriting so far during 2014 with US$24.3 billion, or 12% of the market.
French ECM Activity Up 11% YTD; Strongest Quarter Since 4Q’09; Societe Generale Leads
Equity capital markets activity in France totaled US$13.7 billion so far during the second quarter of 2014, a 286% increase from the previous quarter and the strongest quarterly total since 4Q’09. The first half total is US$17.3 billion, 11% higher than the value registered during the same period last year. Societe Generale controls 13% of the market, by share, and tops the French ECM underwriting league table so far this year.
Manchettes Global M&A
Powered by a resurgence of deals over $5 billion, the value of worldwide M&A totalled US$1.8 trillion during the first half of 2014, a 73% increase from comparable 2013 levels and the strongest first half for worldwide deal making since 2007. The 73% year-over-year gain marks the strongest first half percentage gain since the first half of 1998, when deal activity more than doubled. Just over 18,300 worldwide deals were announced during the first half of 2014, a slight increase compared to the first half of last year. Second quarter 2014 M&A totalled US$1.1 trillion, a 60% increase from the first quarter of this year and the first quarter to top US$1 trillion since the second quarter of 2007.
M&A activity for European targets totalled US$508.8 billion during the first half of 2014, more than double the level of activity seen during first half 2013. With US$337.8 billion in announced deals during the first half of 2014, Asia Pacific M&A registered the strongest first half for deal making in the region since records began in 1980.
Hostile and unsolicited bids totalled US$145.1 billion during the first half of 2014, accounting for 8% of worldwide merger activity, the highest percentage since the first half of 2007 when hostile and unsolicited deal making accounted for 9% of announced activity.
Driven by pharmaceutical deal making, the healthcare sector was most active during the first half of 2014, commanding 18% of announced M&A and already besting the full-year record for M&A in the sector set in 2007 (US$274.8 billion). The media & entertainment sectors accounted for 13% and 12%, respectively.
According to estimates from Thomson Reuters/Freeman Consulting, M&A advisory fees from completed transactions totalled US$12.1 billion during the first half of 2014, a 10% increase from the comparable period in 2013.
Revue Thomson Reuters des investissements bancaires en France
Global pour Q2 2014
Thomson Reuters
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