Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Avoiding the consequences of data loss

By Gareth Tudor, CEO of Altonet (28 August 2013)

Gareth Tudor
Gareth Tudor
Protecting data has become of the utmost importance for organisations today, as information if the lifeblood of a business. There are many consequences should sensitive information fall into the wrong hands, however, as the workforce has become increasingly mobile, protecting all of an organisation’s data has become more complex and challenging. In order to avoid the pitfalls of losing confidential data, both regulatory and to the continuity of the business itself, it is critical to have an all-encompassing, secure backup, recovery and data protection solution in place. These solutions should incorporate protection of the mobile workforce as well as office-bound data contained on PCs and servers, and in data warehouses and data centres.

Compromising data is a very real possibility, for many reasons. Hard drives and other hardware components may fail, data may be corrupted, natural disaster such as flooding or fire may strike, and equipment containing information may be stolen, amongst other challenges.


Lisez la suite dans Finyear Magazine de septembre 2013

Mercredi 23 Octobre 2013

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