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Accenture Technology Vision 2014: Every Business Is a Digital Business

From Digitally Disrupted to Digital Disrupter.

For business leaders everywhere, the next three years will be devoted to quickening their organizations’ pace in the race to go digital. Those who take control and move to become disrupters in their markets will emerge as the true, digital world leaders.

Big is the Next Big Thing

This year’s Technology Vision report continues to expand Accenture’s view of the effects of this digital race—but with one difference: this year, we see more and more large organizations outside of the IT industry actively leading the charge, instead of being pressured by it or taking a fast-follower approach.

These organizations understand that, while the digital age is still young, there are many significant opportunities to seize. They are beginning to leverage their vast resources and capital not only to react to technology disruption, but also to embrace it by weaving digital technologies throughout their operations—driving business and industry disruptions to their advantage.

The Accenture Technology Vision 2014 identifies the top trends shaping technology, and we see six important themes emerging:
- Digital–physical blur: Extending intelligence to the edge with smart objects, devices and machines
- From workforce to crowdsource: The rise of the borderless enterprise
- Data supply chain: Putting information into circulation
- Harnessing hyperscale: Hardware is back (and never really went away)
- The business of applications: Software as a core competency in a digital world
- Architecting resilience: "Built to survive failure" becomes the mantra of the nonstop business

Every C-suite executive now has the opportunity to be a digital disrupter—to recreate and redefine the business to generate lasting competitive advantage. The potential for growth is limited only by the creativity of the enterprise itself.

Now is the time to stop thinking about being disrupted by digital technology and start becoming a disrupter. The opportunity is there—what’s stopping you from taking it?


Every business is a digital business. Leading digital companies have recognized that IT is the driving force for not only how they design and make things but also for how we go to market, how they collaborate, how they engage customers and how they manage transactions.

The 2014 Technology Vision provides a richly detailed view, from which business leaders in every industry can draw insight, inspiration and, we hope, excitement about where digital technologies can take their organizations tomorrow. Each theme, both this year’s and last’s, highlights an evolution of technologies—some of which enterprises are already experimenting with.

It is now incumbent on leaders to define their company’s place in the digital world. They must re-assess their relationships with their customers, partners and with the Internet community at large. They need to tear down the organizational silos that limit collaboration and sharing of data.

They must also re-examine the roles that their enterprise plays in its industry. And, perhaps most exciting of all, they now have what they need to lower the barriers to entry in other industries, opening them up as potential areas for growth.

And as larger companies take the lead in Digital, the pressure will continue to mount for organizations that have yet to harness its power. It’s time for every business to be a digital business, and join the ranks of disrupters, rather than being disrupted.

Download the Technology Vision 2014 report [PDF, 6MB]

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Jeudi 20 Février 2014