Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain News
DeFi, Blockchain Opinions

Explaining the Blockchain’s Impact via an Infographic - 30 Novembre 2015

By William Mougayar. It’s been a vexing challenge to try to explain the blockchain and its impact to non-technical audiences. Software engineers get it, as they marvel at the technological...

What Does it Take to Succeed as a Decentralized Autonomous Organization? - 25 Novembre 2015

By William Mougayar. William Mougayar is a Toronto-based angel investor and four-time entrepreneur who advises startups on strategy and marketing. Here, he discusses what makes a successful...

The Blockchain Might Be The Next Disruptive Technology - 24 Novembre 2015

To process a transaction, you need first to make sure the sender owns the asset he wants to transfer, and make sure he will not trade it twice. In the blockchain, information is stored in blocks that...

La blockchain pourrait remplacer les avocats et les experts-comptables - 24 Novembre 2015

Les contrats intelligents (smart contracts) promettent de soulager les entreprises des coûts et des temps de latence du travail juridique d'entreprise. Ce changement basé sur la blockchain pourrait...

La blockchain, une technologie avec un potentiel immense (Partie 1) - 20 Novembre 2015

Sur 41 pages du rapport de Croissance Plus "Fintech 2020 : reprendre l’initiative ou comment la technologie Blockchain peut permettre à la France et à l’Europe de prendre l’avantage en matière de...

Bitcoin Might Be The Next Big Thing In The Remittance Market - 20 Novembre 2015

Bitcoin’s most disrupting feature is its decentralized architecture. Indeed, bitcoin relies on a P2P network of computers to proceed money transfers. Each part of the network works to create new...

Que se passerait-il si l’on passait à côté du blockchain ? (partie 2) - 20 Novembre 2015

Suite de l'article 1 : "La blockchain, une technologie avec un potentiel immense" Sur 41 pages du rapport de Croissance Plus "Fintech 2020 : reprendre l’initiative ou comment la technologie...

Hubert de Vauplane - rapport Blockchain - 18 Novembre 2015

Entretien avec Hubert de Vauplane. Hubert de Vauplane bonjour, vous êtes Partner au sein du cabinet d’avocats Kramer Levin. Quel est votre parcours et quels sont vos domaines d’intervention ? De...

Tokenization could be the Trojan Horse that will break the credit card rails - 17 Novembre 2015

Tokenization was all the rage at Money2020. It is one of those buzzwords that float around market spaces in a way that excludes outsiders. If you know what tokenization is, then you are a payments...

Blockchain Tech Is Fundamentally Transforming Finance - 22 Octobre 2015

By Rajashekara V. Maiya, Associate Vice President and Head, Product Strategy & Pre-sales, Finacle, Infosys. I was amazed at what the CEO of Digital Asset Holdings, Blythe Masters, said recently...
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