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Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Visa, BPC Banking Technologies and Multiservice Payment System introduce customs payments by Visa cards for individual customers

Finyear, the Financial Year Journal. Visa, BPC Banking Technologies and Multiservice Payment System (payment service brand “PayHD”) are delighted to announce the launch of an innovative service which enables customers to make customs payments with Visa cards. The service is already in operation at all the customs points in Moscow’s airports and will be rolled out to cover the entire customs network of Russian Federation. With this new service Visa cardholders can make customs payments at the customs point instantly. It takes less than 5 minutes from receiving the customs ticket until full payment enrolment to the Federal Customs Service accounts and verification of customs clearance.

The strategy of the Federal Customs Service system modernization is to use innovative and convenient technology to streamline customs clearance and payments. Using this solution there is no need to fill in forms on customs kiosks. Instead the payment terminal scans a special code from the pay-slip. Thus the whole procedure is easy, quick and secure and all the participants benefit from time savings as well as reductions in human and operational costs.

The payment processing is fulfilled by Multiservice Payment System’s processing centre based on BPC’s solution SmartVista. This service was launched in order to streamline customs payments enrollment on the Federal Customs Service accounts, Treasury of Russia and to notify the customs authorities about payments in real time mode.

According to Multiservice Payment System, in 2013, more than 450,000 customs payments were made by individual customers, with average amount of USD 2,000. “This new system of paying by card reduces the workload on customs’ agents and reduces data errors while filling in the form. It also improves customer service as it offers a comprehensive, convenient way of payment by Visa cards and eliminates the use of cash. – notes Andrew Torre, CEO Visa Russia. – Notable that bringing more cashless operations into state services sphere increases transparency of the Russian economy. And customs payments by Visa cards, no doubt, support bringing this aim live.”

“In order to simplify and speed up the customs payment procedure our companies – Multiservice Payment System, BPC Banking Technologies and Visa – developed a unique payment tool for individual customers. Today the most important requirement in online payments is an easy, quick and secure solution. In this project all existing demands were met – no matter if it is a customer with a shopping spree in Milan or a car import clearance – you only need to take Visa card to pay”, says Sergey Sovdagarov, CEO Multiservice Payment System.

“BPC Banking Technologies is proud to help Multiservice Payment System to be the first company to launch such an innovative service of customs payment in Russia. The result of our outsourced project is that the payment procedure for individual customers is more convenient, saves time and reduces operational costs. BPC is looking forward to helping the company with future innovations”, adds Vasily Grigoriev, Managing Director, BPC Banking Technologies.

About BPC Banking Technologies
BPC is the leading global provider of Open Systems payment solutions for the global financial industry. It provides SmartVista, a single integrated solution for transaction processing and card management. The company’s customer base includes the largest and most progressive retail banks across five continents - currently BPC has 120 clients in 40 countries. For more information, visit the Company’s website at

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