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Mercredi 2 Septembre 2020

Sébastien Lasnier, LSL Neurosciences

Sébastien Lasnier, CEO LSL Neurosciences.

May you introduce LSL Neurosciences
LSL Neurosciences is a biotech created in 2015 in the USA, specialized in research and development of drugs intended to fight neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease.

Why did you found LSL Neurosciences?
I discovered and patented a line of research that seemed relevant to fight against Alzheimer's disease. After multiple researches and deepenings, the approval of KOL and the beginnings of very convincing proofs (phase 1 and 2, both positive), I realized the evidence, this track is very promising.
We had to move on to the development of the molecule.

What is your background?
I am a neuroscience researcher, I was (among other things) scientific advisor to a laboratory specializing in neurology and psychiatry.
My role was to help neurologists, psychiatrists and geriatricians in the fight against Alzheimer's disease. Training, conferences, research.
I have had the opportunity to meet with patients and families during the development of non-drug management programs.
I also intervened in the promotion of one of the drugs against this disease.

Where is your research?
As for our Alzheimer's program, we are no longer in research but in development. We are capitalizing on the originality and the advance that we have (10 years). Especially since more and more experts prove that we were right to favor this path as well as, unfortunately, the numerous failures of the other hypotheses.
Another fact, very encouraging for us: this morning (june 29) the FDA has just accepted a program in phase 2/3 which confirms the solidity of our hypothesis. This path is announced as a break in the fight against Alzheimer's. It is for us, to date, the only solution to lead to a disease modifyer drug, that is to say, capable of modifying the course of the disease and stopping it.
We are therefore more than ever confident and eager to continue our pre-clinical and clinical development. For this we will proceed to another fundraising.

How much do you need?
For this development we need $56M, spread over 5 years.

Why focus on Alzheimer's ?
Although we work on all neurodegenerative diseases, we focus our efforts on this pathology for two reasons: 1) because a real pandemic is coming. Every 3 seconds there is a new case of dementia in the world. Already today, everyone is directly or indirectly concerned. 2) we have the solution to stop this.

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