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Mardi 12 Juin 2018

ONEm Develops the World’s First Blockchain Hybrid Wallet

mCoin, the world's first cryptocurrency which works with or without the internet, is pleased to announce the release of a secure hybrid SMS wallet. mCoin wallet is unlike others available on the market because it is compatible with more than five billion mobile phones. Moreover, mCoins can be securely stored and transferred while offline to an mCoin digital wallet. Thousands of people from more than 150 countries have signed up to be the first users of the wallet.

mCoin represents a completely new approach to the application of the blockchain technology. By working outside the domain of the internet, mCoin is available to the three billion people who don't have access to the internet and can now participate in the digital revolution.

The hybrid wallet embodies first of a kind and user friendly features:

- Send and receive mCoins using email-like global names instead of long cryptographic addresses
- Credit card-like transaction histories generated from the integration of ONEm ecosystem applications
- Pseudo-mining - earning mCoins by converting ONEm points to mCoins
- Secure - offline use away from internet hackers

mCoin is integrated with the existing ONEm ecosystem providing for useful services such as Marketplace, m-Catalogue and Postboard creating utility demand and transactions for mCoin.

Christopher Richardson, CEO of ONEm Communications, said:
"I see our virtual SMS based wallet creating so many benefits and opportunities for owners of unconnected mobiles in emerging markets. I encourage everyone to participate and support the mCoin community."

Many people worldwide are participating in mCoin's ICO which is ending at the end of June. The value of the mCoin purchased during the ICO will have future value created by the demand for ONEm services. The vision of mCoin is to promote financial inclusion to even the remotest parts of the world.

ONEm is a high tech company based in London established in 2012. ONEm developed and deployed an advanced platform that supports an ecosystem of services. The platform empowers users to enjoy access to a continually growing number of interactive content and applications. What is unique about these services is that they work on any type of mobile without requiring data or Wi-Fi.
ONEm's most recent venture, mCoin is bringing cryptocurrency to the unconnected and unbanked community, in line with its overall vision of an inclusive world that is better connected.


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