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Jeudi 21 Juin 2018

LIMEYARD launches first diversified index composed of top 20 crypto assets

Robust methodology addressing U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission concerns. Decentriq providing data and crypto market expertise.

LIMEYARD, a cutting-edge Index Provider, is excited to announce the launch of its Crypto Asset Index, together with Decentriq, a FinTech enabling financial institutions to benefit from distributed ledger technology based in the Swiss crypto valley.

The LIMEYARD Crypto Asset Index (LYCAI) has been designed to represent the cryptocurrency market while addressing regulatory and compliance related concerns. The Index has been licensed to be used as benchmark for the Blockchain Technologies Note (DE000A19VT92), listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. It is available for licensing by other financial products.

Stefan Deml, Founder and CTO of Decentriq, commented: “We’re delighted to join forces with LIMEYARD, combining our knowledge of the crypto market and their decades of experience in the index business, to build the first index representing so well the nascent, yet growing crypto asset class.”

Patrick Valovic, Founder and Managing Partner of LIMEYARD, explained: “Our team has built this Index considering the needs of regulators, who have rejected some ETF proposals because their methodology was considered as too simplistic, and players could front run them. Excluding crypto assets which are enabling anonymity is also a way to ensure investors that any product based on this Index will be compliant.”

The rules-based methodology can be summarized as follow:
• The universe is comprised of crypto assets (coins or token) traded on at least two out of 13 eligible exchanges. Crypto assets enabling anonymity are precluded, as well as those pegged to fiat currencies.
• To be included in the Index, components are screened to ensure their investability (daily trading volume) and reduce their volatility (exponential moving average of the daily market capitalization.)
• The Index is composed of the top 20 components passing these screenings.
The Index is calculated both in USD and in BTC. Public information only is used to build the Index.
LIMEYARD launches first diversified index composed of top 20 crypto assets

The LYCAI is calculated in real-time 24/7 and disseminated from 4am to 10pm (CET) 24/7 by the Vienna stock exchange. The Index components and weightings are reviewed monthly. ISIN: CH0418626138 and Bloomberg ticker: LYCAI2UP Index for the USD version and LYCAI2BP Index for the BTC version.
The LIMEYARD Crypto Asset Index is calculated and owned by LIMEYARD. Decentriq is acting as a data provider.

LIMEYARD is a Swiss based index provider founded in July 2016, with offices in Zurich, Paris, New York and Vienna. Led by a team of six industry experts, it focuses on both proprietary and non-proprietary indices. LIMEYARD is combining cutting edge index innovation with a state of the art cloud-based technology. Its fast-growing family of global indices are rule-based, compliant, traditional and smart-beta investable solutions for institutions on the sell side and on the buy side. The tailor-made index offering covers the full value chain from index development to dissemination, end-of-day and real time. Its client centric focus approach aims to provide top quality, short time-to-market, agile and flexible solutions at the best price. LIMEYARD has entered into a joint venture with Wiener Börse AG in February 2018.

With superior technological understanding and unparalleled practical competence, Decentriq is at the centre of traditional finance and distributed ledger technologies, enabling compliant products to shape the future of finance. Decentriq fundamentally believes in the impact of distributed ledger technologies. It is the next evolutionary stage of today’s internet infrastructure and has the potential to disrupt and improve a wide range of areas. To unlock this potential, traditional centralised and emerging decentralised players have to cooperate. Decentriq facilitates this dialogue with its market fluency and expertise in digital assets expertise. Merging the best of established financial service providers and distributed applications is its core focus. From traditional Swiss private banks to progressive financial benchmark providers, from traditional commodity assets to highly scalable blockchain payment solutions, Decentriq builds bridges.

The Vienna Stock Exchange is the only securities exchange in Austria. It features a modern infrastructure and supplies market data and relevant information. It offers Austrian companies maximum visibility, high liquidity and utmost transparency. Investors can rely on the smooth and efficient execution of exchange trades. The Vienna Stock Exchange operates a central market data feed for Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and is well established as an expert for the calculation of indices with a reference to the region. Together with its holding company, CEESEG, it cooperates with over ten stock exchanges in CEE and is highly appreciated worldwide for this unique know-how.

Crédit image : ©Thomas Bartel DDC by ESIEA
Crédit image : ©Thomas Bartel DDC by ESIEA
Laurent Leloup
Fondateur Finyear
Fondateur Chaineum (Conseil, stratégie blockchain et Crypto Finance)
Auteur de "Blockchain, la révolution de la confiance"
Traducteur, conférencier.

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