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Jeudi 16 Octobre 2014
Finyear, quotidien Finance d'Affaires

FY360° | Redefining capitalism

McKinsey Quarterly.

Despite its ability to generate prosperity, capitalism is under attack. By shaking up our long-held assumptions about how and why the system works, we can improve it.

Capitalism is under attack. The financial crisis of 2008, the stagnation of the middle class in many developed countries, and rising income inequality are challenging some of our most deeply held beliefs about how a fair and well-functioning society should be organized.

Many business leaders are of two minds about the situation. They note that market capitalism has yielded massive increases in human prosperity, particularly in the West in the 19th and 20th centuries. More recently, it has lifted hundreds of millions from poverty in emerging economies. Yet despite these historic accomplishments, it’s also easy to worry that something is wrong with how the system is performing today.


FY360° by Finyear, la revue de presse à 360° en finance et gestion d'entreprise.

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FY360° by Finyear (ex Financial Year Links) is a Finyear service on a mission to save you time and keep you smart. Our team follows the relevant news, summarize it, link to the original sources and deliver it on the Finyear website and in the daily newsletter.
FY360° by Finyear is not a finished product: please let us know what you think and if you have a suggestion, a complaint, or something we should link to, email us.

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