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Mardi 10 Mars 2015
Finyear, quotidien Finance d'entreprise

FY360° | Bridging the Growth Gap

Europe’s economy is at a critical point. Seven years since the onset of the financial crisis, economic growth remains muted, public debt in some countries is still stubbornly high, and deflation threatens to prolong this period of stagnation. After years of economic uncertainty, Europe must look at new ways to deliver growth and jobs.

Against this background, the Association for Financial Markets in Europe has published Bridging the Growth Gap, a new analysis of the differences between European Union (EU) and U.S. financing in the areas of small and midsize enterprises, infrastructure, and private placements. A collaboration with The Boston Consulting Group, this report canvasses the views of some of the largest global investors (representing €9 trillion of assets under management) and supplements them with desk research...


FY360° by Finyear, la revue de presse à 360° en finance et gestion d'entreprise.

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FY360° by Finyear (ex Financial Year Links) is a Finyear service on a mission to save you time and keep you smart. Our team follows the relevant news, summarize it, link to the original sources and deliver it on the Finyear website and in the daily newsletter.
FY360° by Finyear is not a finished product: please let us know what you think and if you have a suggestion, a complaint, or something we should link to, email us.

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