Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Today's Markets - May 29, 12

Despite worries and uncertainty about the health of the Spanish banking system having gained the upper hand in late trading yesterday, stocks are moving higher today in early trading for the second day running.

Today's Markets - May 29, 12
It seems to be the case that relief about the shift of the Greek electorate towards pro-bail out parties over the weekend and confidence that the bail out of Bankia will soon be concluded is outweighing concerns that more Spanish are likely to follow soon in requiring a bail out and that Spain’s own rescue fund has only 5 Billion Euros left.

Moreover shares a getting a lift from news out of China where the government seems to finally significantly stepping up efforts to combat a slowing economy by expanding lending and fast tracking major projects. There is a 6 month Italian T-Bill auction scheduled for today which despite its size of 8.5 Billion Euro but due to the rather short maturity shouldn’t pose too much of a problem.

Later in the day we have the important consumer confidence data in the US, it will be interesting to see if a similar trend is developing like in Europe and especially in Germany where consumer confidence remains stable while corporate sentiment is firmly on the retreat.

Markus Huber - Head of German HNW Trading - ETX Capital

Mardi 29 Mai 2012