Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News
DeFi, Blockchain Actus

Quadriga to Launch First Canadian Blockchain R&D Lab - 2 Décembre 2015

Quadriga Fintech Solutions Corp. (the “Company”) is pleased to announce the launch of Canada’s first R&D lab for Blockchain technology. The lab’s first project will be the development of a platform...

Lloyd's : potentiel de la Blockchain pour le marché de l'assurance - 2 Décembre 2015

Un plan visant à moderniser le "London Market" inclus des recommandations à utiliser la technologie blockchain pour améliorer l'accès aux données et réduire les coûts associés à la paperasserie...

Finyear lance The Blockchainer, la lettre mensuelle blockchain, bitcoin et crypto-monnaies - 1 Décembre 2015

Finyear lance courant décembre "The Blockchainer", la lettre mensuelle digitale dédiée blockchain, bitcoin & cryto-monnaies. Après le lancement progressif depuis ce printemps de rubriques dédiées...

Le Ministre des Finances Russe veut interdire le Bitcoin mais pas la Blockchain - 1 Décembre 2015

Bien que la réglementation sur le Bitcoin demeure un sujet de discorde à l'échelle mondiale, aucun pays en dehors de la Russie n'a autant laissé plané le doute sur l'avenir de la monnaie numérique....

Bank of England Launches Search for Blockchain-Savvy Interns - 30 Novembre 2015

The Bank of England (BOE) has launched a search for blockchain-savvy interns, offering the winning students the possibility of a six-week paid internship and the chance of landing a role within the...

Blockchain and the Internet of Things - 30 Novembre 2015

If creating smart contracts are the key to facilitating all sorts of value trade on “blockchain 2.0”, what are then the next big evolution, or “blockchain 3.0”? As it turns out, there are various...

Why Visa Europe is Testing Remittances on the Bitcoin Blockchain - 27 Novembre 2015

Visa Europe became the latest enterprise financial institution to announce a blockchain proof-of-concept this month, when it revealed it was working to leverage the emerging technology for...

Why CFOs Need to Pay Attention to Blockchain Technology - 27 Novembre 2015

The 'blockchain' allows for a scalable and secure ledger with unlimited account creation and programmable, trackable money. Ideally, a C-suite is filled with proactive professionals driving the...

What Banks Stand To Lose By Ignoring Blockchain - 26 Novembre 2015

By now, it’s no secret that if major financial institutions want to stay ahead of the game, they should invest in blockchain startups. Analysts predict the ledger technology to potentially overhaul...

What the blockchain means for supply chains - 26 Novembre 2015

Blockchain technology has attracted a lot of interest lately. And rightfully so. As recently explained in The Economist, the innovative shared-ledger technology offers transparent, immutable and...
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