Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News
DeFi, Blockchain Opinions

Blockchain : technologie incontournable des chaînes logistiques mondiales d’ici 2025 - 24 Octobre 2018

Une nouvelle étude menée auprès d’organisations ayant recours à la blockchain met en lumière le potentiel de cette technologie dans la transformation des chaînes logistiques à travers le monde Le...

Banking Is Only The Beginning: 42 Big Industries Blockchain Could Transform - 24 Octobre 2018

Banking isn't the only industry that could be affected by blockchain tech. Law enforcement, ride hailing, and many other sectors could also have blockchain in their future. Bitcoin and other virtual...

Cryptocurrency markets shrug off loss of confidence in Tether and equities correction - 23 Octobre 2018

by Ilias Louis Hatzis Last week our theme was "Big Old Money Bets on Bitcoin & Blockchain". Lately, Tether has been anything but stable. Earlier this week the USDT lost its peg to the dollar,...

Venezuela’s Petro: Does Blockchain deserve this? - 16 Octobre 2018

by Arunkumar Krishnakumar. May be you are tired seeing the Petro saga unfold and spam your social media feeds. May be you are thinking, there you go, the joke of the decade. May be you are angry that...

Big Old Money Bets on Bitcoin & Blockchain - 10 Octobre 2018

by Ilias Louis Hatzis Last week our theme was "Decentralized Exchanges (DEX)". If you are still having doubts about cryptocurrencies, it looks like the old is meeting the new. Its been going on for a...

Bridge to Blockchain mainstream adoption via the next bull market - 9 Octobre 2018

by Ilias Louis Hatzis Last week our theme was Gaming on Blockchain. Cryptocurrency prices have been tumbling since the beginning of the year and many are debating if they will recover. In the last...

Blockchain technology: how software nodes reach consensus - 8 Octobre 2018

By Ben van Lier - Centric. According to Dasgupta (2014 ), the development of software started in 1949 at a conference in the UK, when John Wheeler presented rules for the way in which hardware in the...

Utility vs. Security Tokens: Why Not Both? - 4 Octobre 2018

By : William Mougayar I’m seeing increased activity in the “token airdrop” model, and this topic deserves some thoughts. In the most primitive scenario, companies declare that a certain percentage...

La Blockchain ouvre de nouvelles perspectives dans le milieu de la santé - 3 Octobre 2018

Par Venky Ananth, vice-président, directeur régional, santé, Infosys Ltd. Le secteur de la santé connaît actuellement une évolution marquante : sa transition technologique bien sûr, mais aussi une...

The blockchain landscape of Ant Financial - 2 Octobre 2018

by Zarc Gin. The 2018 Yunqi Conference is being hosted by Alibaba during 19th to 22nd in September. The conference is one of the biggest digital meetup in China’s Internet community. And Ant...
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