Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

WPP acquires majority stake in Groupe Poster

Financière de Courcelles advised the shareholders of Groupe Poster (Poster Conseil), the leading out-of-home (OOH) specialist in France in its sale to WPP through its wholly-owned operating companies, Kinetic and GroupM.

Poster Conseil manages media planning and buying for agencies and direct clients, and provides planning and measurement technologies to both agencies and vendors.

Tenthavenue, Kinetic’s parent company, is a global leader in developing and delivering content that aligns brand objectives with consumer needs in OOH and moving environments. The subsidiary companies of Tenthavenue provide comprehensive branding services in global in-flight entertainment, OOH media advertising, mobile marketing and digital publishing.

GroupM is the leading global media investment management operation. It serves as the parent company to WPP media agencies including Maxus, MEC, MediaCom and Mindshare. WPP’s media investment management division has revenues of over US$5 billion and employs more than 25,000 people (including associates).

This investment continues WPP’s strategy of investing in important markets such as France, where WPP companies (including associates) collectively generate revenues of around US$800 million and employ approximately 5,000 people.

About Financière de Courcelles:
Founded in 1928 and headquartered in Paris, Financière de Courcelles ( is a French M&A leading advisory firm with a solid experience in cross-border transactions and a global footprint. Financière de Courcelles manages Global M&A Partners, its international M&A network ( encompassing 38 M&A firms covering more than 50 countries in Europe, North America, South America, Asia and Australia.

Advisors :
Advisors to the sellers:
Financial - Financière de Courcelles (Bertrand de Saint Remy, Olivier Mattéoli)
Legal and tax – Gide (Axelle Toulemonde (partner, M&A), Christian Nouel (partner, Tax), Ghita.Bourquouquou (M&A).
Advisor to the buyer:
Legal – Squire Patton Boggs (Christopher Wilde)

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Lundi 15 Juin 2015