Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Serenity Shield Signs an Extended Partnership with Archethic

Serenity Shield, a decentralized application platform that offers an innovative, revolutionary approach to crypto inheritance and secure storage solutions for sensitive data, is pleased to announce the signing of an extended partnership with the technology group Archethic.

As part of the partnership, Serenity Shield will integrate their product, the StrongBox®, into Archethic’s public blockchain and utilize their interoperable Decentralized Identity (DID) management solution to provide an additional layer of security to end-users.

The addition of Archethic blockchain will offer considerable value to Serenity Shield’s existing solution due to its speed, scalability, extreme security, environmental friendliness, and focus on decentralization. Moreover, this collaboration helps strengthen Serenity Shield’s cross-chain and interoperability aspirations and capabilities.

Moreover, embedding Archethic’s DID technology within the StrongBox® is a logical progression in the development of Serenity Shield and a step forward in its desire to offer an entirely decentralized and self-sovereign solution to its customers.

About Serenity Shield
Serenity Shield was established in 2021 as a result of identifying a glaring and, as yet, unaddressed need in the global cryptocurrency market for the provision of secure access to and transfer of ownership of digital wallets. Leveraging advances in cryptography and private blockchain technology, it has designed a secure, non-custodial method to store and retrieve sensitive data for individuals but also corporates and institutions.


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Lundi 19 Décembre 2022