Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

SAP continue d’innover dans l’Internet des Objets #IOT

SAP, en partenariat avec Tech Mahindra, multinationale indienne spécialisée en services IT, lance une application dédiée aux véhicules électriques capable de calculer en temps réel l’état de la charge du véhicule, prévoir les besoins en charge en fonction de l’usage et l’état du réseau électrique. SAP inaugure une nouvelle division dédiée aux développements et innovations orientés « Internet des Objets » afin de délivrer toujours plus de valeur ajoutée à ses clients. Tangoe, leader mondial des solutions pour l’entreprise connectée, utilisera SAP HANA pour sa solution Matrix visant à aider les multinationales à mieux analyser et optimiser leurs ressources IT et les dépenses liées.

SAP SE (NYSE: SAP) today announced it is continuing to co-innovate with customers and partners to expand its comprehensive portfolio of solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT). Working together with Tech Mahindra, SAP is offering a solution to gather data on electrical vehicle charging patterns and transformer performance. SAP is partnering with Tangoe to help customers gain real business value from leveraging the SAP HANA® platform to successfully implement the IoT. Additionally, SAP has created a new IoT-focused product and development unit dedicated to developing leading solutions. This announcement was made at the SAP® TechEd conference held October 19–23, 2015, in Las Vegas.

SAP and Tech Mahindra Pilot Intelligent Electric Vehicle Charging System

Tech Mahindra Ltd is an Indian multinational IT provider specializing in digital transformation, consulting and business re-engineering solutions for the telecommunications industry. Part of the Mahindra Group, it is a US$3.8 billion company with over 100,000 professionals across 91 countries.

SAP worked with a Tech Mahindra–funded internal startup on a co-innovation pilot to enable the development of an application built on the SAP HANA platform that monitors charging stations, electric vehicle usage, driving patterns, and transformers and overall grid performance. Using SAP HANA, the intelligent electric vehicle charging system application can monitor and analyze the electric load put on the distributed transformers in real time, schedule charging according to usage patterns to avoid bottlenecks, and proactively monitor the grid for reliability.

“Clean tech is maturing and adopting proven management practices, and we have been a strong advocate of the same, focusing our efforts toward delivering a positive and actionable project that will help our customers adapt to digital technologies effectively,” said Prateek Saxena, director at an internal startup funded by Tech Mahindra. “As we collaborate with SAP on the IoT platform solution, we aim to deliver and transform the power and benefits of in-memory computing for real-time monitoring and analysis of sensors. This will help energy companies assess the challenges and opportunities of charging electric vehicles, with the aim of hastening consumer adoption of electric vehicle technology.”

Tangoe and SAP Power the Connected Enterprise for IT Expense Management Solutions

Tangoe, an SAP partner and a global leader in powering the connected enterprise through connection lifecycle management, is leveraging SAP HANA for its Matrix Solution Suite. With SAP HANA, Tangoe’s Matrix will deliver enhanced analytics and online transaction processing (OLTP) capabilities, enabling global enterprises to analyze and optimize their IT assets and expenses, and understand the usage of these connections in the workplace, including fixed, mobile, cloud, machine and IT communications.

New Product and Development Unit Focuses on Delivering Value to Customers with Emerging IoT Solutions

The new Internet of Things & Customer Innovation product and development unit brings together all IoT and Industry 4.0 development activities, leveraging talented developers and industry experts at SAP to work with customers and partners to develop new and exciting IoT applications. Using SAP HANA and the business application service from SAP HANA Cloud Platform as foundations, SAP is helping customers and partners to quickly build or extend and integrate connected machine applications capable of querying and analyzing structured and unstructured data.

“SAP is in a unique position to succeed as an IoT market and thought leader, and spearhead innovation in this area,” said Tanja Rueckert, EVP Internet of Things & Customer Innovation, SAP. “Our broad customer base, ongoing co-innovation with customers and partners, breadth and depth of industry knowledge, and unique ability to create a closed loop of ‘thing to insight to action’ allow us to bring together in a meaningful way the business context from the transaction system (IT) and the operational context from machine-generated data (OT) to deliver value to our customers.”

This new unit will focus on broadening the portfolio of existing applications, including the SAP Vehicle Insights application, SAP Predictive Maintenance and Service solution and SAP Connected Logistics package. SAP solutions for the IoT are developed through co-innovation with customers and partners to help define new offerings based on market requirements and business challenges. SAP is enabling its ecosystem of partners to build new applications with SAP HANA Cloud Platform for the IoT to help customers to connect devices, machine and vehicle sensors, using application services to create a foundation to help ensure maximum development efficiency.

À propos de SAP
Leader des applications d’entreprise, SAP (NYSE : SAP) fournit aux entreprises de toutes tailles et de tous secteurs les moyens logiciels d’une meilleure gestion. Du back office à la direction, de l’entrepôt à la vente, quel que soit le terminal d’utilisation (ordinateur, terminal mobile), les applications SAP permettent aux collaborateurs et aux organisations de travailler plus efficacement ensemble et de s’appuyer sur des tableaux de bord personnalisés afin de conserver leur avance dans un contexte concurrentiel. Les applications et services SAP offrent à plus de 293 500 clients la possibilité d’être rentables, de s’adapter continuellement et de croître durablement.

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Lundi 2 Novembre 2015

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