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Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

SAP Jam : collaboration sociale réussie pour l’amélioration des résultats commerciaux et la réduction des coûts

Cette étude démontre l’impact qu’a la mise en œuvre de SAP Jam dans l’entreprise : des économies substantielles, en particulier plus de 1.6 millions de dollars en matière de formation et d’intégration de nouveaux employés ; une augmentation moyenne du chiffre d’affaires de 9.63 millions de dollars par une connaissance des habitudes de travail et des processus prédéfinis qui réunissent les utilisateurs, les données et la prise de décision à n’importe quel moment et de n’importe où ; et une récupération du temps de travail des collaborateurs évaluée à 7 millions.

Independent Study for SAP Finds Social Collaboration Key to Driving Business and Lowering Costs

According to the findings of a Forrester study commissioned by SAP SE (NYSE: SAP), “The Total Economic Impact of SAP Jam,” released today, companies can improve sales cycle times, decrease time to access information and expertise and lower costs associated with common new business processes, such as onboarding new employees, through the deployment of the secure cloud-based SAP® Jam™ social software platform. SAP Jam helps organizations and drive results via its market-first “work patterns,” pre-built processes that bring together the people, data and decision-making capabilities when and where people need them. In the past two years alone, SAP Jam has grown to more than 17.5 million subscribers.

“Social business technology roadmaps rely on systems of engagement that help knowledge workers in their moments of need,” wrote TJ Keitt, senior analyst, Forrester, and co-author of the February 2015 report entitled “The Social CIO.” “These engagement systems should help workers search for information and assistance, alert them to important events in business processes, allow them to contribute to discussions, and enable them to find a resolution to issues.”

Conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of SAP, the March 2015 study polled managers, directors and senior business and IT leaders heavily involved with their organization’s implementation of SAP Jam. Leaders from 30 North America-based enterprise-size customers were surveyed to assess the overall impact of the platform on their organizations. According to the findings, a typical organization using SAP Jam can experience:
- An average revenue increase of US$9.63 million. Over three years, a typical organization can reduce the time to close new business by more than nine percent, leading to additional revenue opportunity of US$9.63 million.
- Recouping of employees time valued at US$7 million. With SAP Jam, companies experienced a 14 percent decrease in time to access information and expertise, providing a gain of more than US$7 million.
- Savings of more than US$1.6 million in training and onboarding. Organizations reduced costs to train and onboard new employees by 13 percent, saving more than US$1.6 million.
- Savings of more than US$1.1 million in serving customers. Companies resolved customer service issues more quickly with SAP Jam, leading to more than US$1.1 million in savings.

"When SAP entered the collaboration market in 2012 with SAP Jam, we were convinced that there was a much better way to accelerate organizational performance for our customers by improving how they engage with their employees, customers and partners,” said Sameer Patel, senior vice president and general manager, Products and GTM Enterprise Collaboration and Social Software, SAP. “I believe that these findings by Forrester are clear proof points that collaborating in the context of functional processes powered by SAP as well as within third-party applications has rapidly returned significant revenue and tangible cost savings for our customers."

Using a cloud-based platform that provides collaboration tools linked to applications, processes and data, employees, customers and partners can solve business problems, make decisions and drive results. As shown, enterprises may realize a potential 516 percent return on investment by deploying SAP Jam.

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Mardi 14 Avril 2015

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