Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

FY360° | Why Cash Reserves Will Fall in 2015

Here’s an analysis of catalysts that are expected to result in a 10 percent to 15 percent decrease in cash reserves among U.S. businesses this year.

Businesses of all shapes and sizes have faced economic headwinds since the onset of the Great Recession in late 2008. Obstacles to growth have been myriad, including tightened credit markets, weakened momentum in Asia, the ongoing Eurozone crisis, and near-zero interest rates.

The combination of these and other issues has compelled America’s CFOs to sit on their massive cash reserves. It was a reasonable response to the environment, and it resulted in the hoarding by corporate America of around $1.5 trillion in cash—equivalent to approximately 10 percent of the nation’s GDP. In fact, even as the economy has shown marked improvement, many businesses remain fearful that if they open the spigot on their reserves, a new crisis might emerge and cause a new liquidity crunch...


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Mardi 19 Mai 2015