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Mercredi 17 Février 2021

Crypto Finance Group: Why Every Bank Will Need a Crypto Asset Strategy

Avertissement : Le texte ci-dessous est un communiqué de presse qui n'a pas été rédigé par
Disclaimer: The text below is a press release that was not written by

We live in an age of digital disruption that has accelerated over the last year. Central banks are unleashing record levels of monetary stimulus, while technology continues to rapidly reshape our global economy. It has shown us that conventional thinking will not bring the answers for what lies ahead. In the midst of this change, crypto assets are emerging as a 'safe-haven' asset for institutional investors looking for alternative stores of value for their investment portfolios.

Rupertus Rothenhaeuser, CEO, Crypto Broker AG, part of the Crypto Finance Group.

This comes as the Crypto Finance brokerage has received the securities house licence from Swiss regulator FINMA. The timing couldn't be better. CEO Rupertus Rothenhäuser explains why.

A new asset class is emerging – crypto assets. It is an asset class designed for the new digital age we are now entering. Bitcoin and other crypto assets have attracted retail investors and now the attention of institutional investors, who are drawn to the independence these assets enjoy from the policies of central banks and governments, and the blockchain technology shaping the future of finance.

Every bank will need a crypto asset strategy

Banks will need to both create the infrastructure for crypto assets and respond as trusted advisors to clients who are interested in investing in this asset class. This creates a challenging duality: the current financial system remains, and this new digital asset finance sector emerges. Securing the expertise of a specialised partner for trading and investing in crypto assets, and developing a digital asset strategy, is an efficient way to meet this need for innovation, in incremental steps.

Increasing regulatory clarity on crypto assets

With a new DLT law addressing crypto assets effective in February 2021, Switzerland is one of the few countries with this regulatory clarity. The securities house licence granted by FINMA to Crypto Broker AG – the brokerage firm of Crypto Finance Group – is one more step in making secure, reliable access to crypto assets possible for the finance sector.

Rupertus Rothenhäuser, CEO of the brokerage comments, "It's now possible for banks to shape a crypto asset strategy within the regulated finance sector," based on the full suite of crypto asset financial services the Crypto Finance Group provides professional investors. Read more:

SOURCE Crypto Finance AG

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