The European Central Bank and eight other central banks of the euro area conducted research into a technical platform for a CBDC (see link below). Their experiment established that a blockchain-based solution could scale to almost unlimited numbers of payments, meet the privacy and compliance (eg anti-money laundering) requirements of a digital euro and do so with a very small carbon footprint.
• Nearly two out of three are likely to use Central Bank Digital Currencies when they are launched
• First major CBDC could launch within three years
• Findings support further development of the digital Dollar, digital Euro and other digital currencies
Consumers worldwide are increasingly receptive to the launch of digital currencies by Central Banks and Governments, new research (1) from leading European deep tech company Guardtime shows.
Just 10% of those questioned said they would never use a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and the study by Guardtime, which is working with several central banks around the world in exploring the development of digital currencies, found strong support for converting savings into CBDCs and having salaries paid in digital currency.
Around one in three adults (33%) would be willing to convert their savings into a CBDC within a month and another 26% would do so within one to six months. Just 11% say they would never convert savings into a CBDC.
Up to 30% would be happy to have their salary paid in a CBDC within a month with another 27% following within one to six months. Around 12% would never accept being paid in a CBDC.
The launch of a major CBDC may not be that far away - research (2) from the Bank of International Settlements shows 86% of central banks are actively researching the potential, 60% are experimenting with the technology and 14% are deploying pilot projects.
Guardtime believes these currencies are closer to being launched because the Coronavirus crisis has helped to further digitise all aspects of society and says the first major CBDC could launch within three years.
Luukas Ilves, Head of Strategy, Guardtime said: “People worldwide have embraced rapid digitisation during the Coronavirus crisis and that appears to be reflected in the relative enthusiasm for the launch of digital currencies from Central Banks.
“It is fascinating to see that 64% of people would be willing to use CBDCs – even though they have not been launched yet – and are happy to support and trust Central Banks to ensure digital currencies are delivered.
“The work by Central Banks worldwide on CBDCs has been notable for its speed and coordination and underlines why they are winning the trust of consumers on delivering digital transformation.”
The research shows consumers would not necessarily want to ditch cash – however 31% of adults said they would be willing to carry out more than half of their transactions through CBDCs within a month of a successful launch with 28% willing to do so within one to six months.
Consumers ranked privacy on transactions as the most important attribute of a CBDC followed by ease of use and CBDCs not costing more to use. Being able to use a digital currency internationally and being able to use it when there’s no internet connection were also seen as important.
Guardtime believes the introduction of central bank digital currencies could upend the global economic order. This technology could bring a multitude of benefits such as more efficient trade, greater financial access for millions of people, and a reduction in crime. But there are important technological barriers to overcome regarding scalability and security, and it is on these points that Guardtime is in discussion with some central banks.
Guardtime has developed KSI Cash, a breakthrough digital cash, payment and settlement infrastructure designed to meet the scalability, reliability, and security requirements of the next quarter century.
For further information, please visit
(1) Independent research company PureProfile interviewed 902 adults aged 18-plus in Germany, Singapore, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, the UK, US, France, Hong Kong, Sweden and Norway using an online methodology in July 2021
(2) The Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
About Guardtime
Guardtime, Europe’s leading deep tech company, was founded in Tallinn, Estonia in 2007 by a team of cryptographers and computer scientists. The initial goal was to support the Estonian Government to design and build a system that would allow information to be validated without centralized trust authorities. Their invention, KSI, replaces trust with digital truth - formally verifiable mathematical proof of the integrity of data, networks, system, and processes, without the reliance on keys, secrets, or centralized trust authorities. KSI technology enables applications to be built with truth inherent in their design, delivering value wherever there is digital.
• Nearly two out of three are likely to use Central Bank Digital Currencies when they are launched
• First major CBDC could launch within three years
• Findings support further development of the digital Dollar, digital Euro and other digital currencies
Consumers worldwide are increasingly receptive to the launch of digital currencies by Central Banks and Governments, new research (1) from leading European deep tech company Guardtime shows.
Just 10% of those questioned said they would never use a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and the study by Guardtime, which is working with several central banks around the world in exploring the development of digital currencies, found strong support for converting savings into CBDCs and having salaries paid in digital currency.
Around one in three adults (33%) would be willing to convert their savings into a CBDC within a month and another 26% would do so within one to six months. Just 11% say they would never convert savings into a CBDC.
Up to 30% would be happy to have their salary paid in a CBDC within a month with another 27% following within one to six months. Around 12% would never accept being paid in a CBDC.
The launch of a major CBDC may not be that far away - research (2) from the Bank of International Settlements shows 86% of central banks are actively researching the potential, 60% are experimenting with the technology and 14% are deploying pilot projects.
Guardtime believes these currencies are closer to being launched because the Coronavirus crisis has helped to further digitise all aspects of society and says the first major CBDC could launch within three years.
Luukas Ilves, Head of Strategy, Guardtime said: “People worldwide have embraced rapid digitisation during the Coronavirus crisis and that appears to be reflected in the relative enthusiasm for the launch of digital currencies from Central Banks.
“It is fascinating to see that 64% of people would be willing to use CBDCs – even though they have not been launched yet – and are happy to support and trust Central Banks to ensure digital currencies are delivered.
“The work by Central Banks worldwide on CBDCs has been notable for its speed and coordination and underlines why they are winning the trust of consumers on delivering digital transformation.”
The research shows consumers would not necessarily want to ditch cash – however 31% of adults said they would be willing to carry out more than half of their transactions through CBDCs within a month of a successful launch with 28% willing to do so within one to six months.
Consumers ranked privacy on transactions as the most important attribute of a CBDC followed by ease of use and CBDCs not costing more to use. Being able to use a digital currency internationally and being able to use it when there’s no internet connection were also seen as important.
Guardtime believes the introduction of central bank digital currencies could upend the global economic order. This technology could bring a multitude of benefits such as more efficient trade, greater financial access for millions of people, and a reduction in crime. But there are important technological barriers to overcome regarding scalability and security, and it is on these points that Guardtime is in discussion with some central banks.
Guardtime has developed KSI Cash, a breakthrough digital cash, payment and settlement infrastructure designed to meet the scalability, reliability, and security requirements of the next quarter century.
For further information, please visit
(1) Independent research company PureProfile interviewed 902 adults aged 18-plus in Germany, Singapore, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, the UK, US, France, Hong Kong, Sweden and Norway using an online methodology in July 2021
(2) The Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
About Guardtime
Guardtime, Europe’s leading deep tech company, was founded in Tallinn, Estonia in 2007 by a team of cryptographers and computer scientists. The initial goal was to support the Estonian Government to design and build a system that would allow information to be validated without centralized trust authorities. Their invention, KSI, replaces trust with digital truth - formally verifiable mathematical proof of the integrity of data, networks, system, and processes, without the reliance on keys, secrets, or centralized trust authorities. KSI technology enables applications to be built with truth inherent in their design, delivering value wherever there is digital.
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Avertissement : Le texte ci-dessus est un communiqué de presse qui n'a pas été rédigé par
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