Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Arcadis : étend la maturité de sa dette avec un Schuldschein

Arcadis a annoncé avoir levé 170 millions d'euros par une transaction inaugurale sur le marché du Schuldschein.

Le volume du Schuldschein était initialement annoncé à 100 millions d'euros, avant d'être augmenté à 170 millions d'euros du fait d'une très forte demande des investisseurs, le livre d'ordres ayant couvert quatre fois le volume initial de lancement. L'opération se scinde entre 70 millions d'euros de maturité cinq ans et 100 millions d'euros de maturité sept ans.

Communiqué original :

ARCADIS successfully extends its debt maturity profile with an inaugural Schuldschein transaction

ARCADIS (EURONEXT: ARCAD), the world's leading natural and built asset design & consultancy firm, today announced it has raised EUR 170,000,000 through the company's inaugural transaction in the Schuldschein market.

- EUR 170,000,000 raised with maturities of 5 and 7 years
- The 5 year tranche was priced with a spread of 150 bps
- The 7 year tranche was priced with a spread of 175 bps
- Transaction marks largest Dutch corporate Schuldschein since 2009
- Strong geographic investor diversification achieved across Europe and Asia
- Hyder acquisition financed on a long term basis

The volume of the Schuldschein was initially announced at EUR 100,000,000 and was then increased to EUR 170,000,000 due to very strong demand from investors with the order book covering the initial launch volume 4 times. All tranches have been priced at the tight end of the spread ranges. The split across maturities is EUR 70,000,000 in five years and EUR 100,000,000 in seven years. Roughly three quarters of the volume was placed with Asian, Benelux as well as French investors and investors out of Italy, Germany, Spain and Austria completing the picture.

ARCADIS is using the instrument to take out the remainder of the bridge financing that was in place for the acquisition of Hyder concluded at the end of 2014. The remaining funds can be used to finance the future business growth of the company.

"With this step we make good use of the attractive market conditions to refinance a temporary instrument that has served us well to finance an important acquisition, while at the same time giving us more diversification in our sources of funding," said Renier Vree, CFO of ARCADIS.

About ARCADIS: ARCADIS is the leading global natural and built asset design & consultancy firm working in partnership with our clients to deliver exceptional and sustainable outcomes through the application of design, consultancy, engineering, project and management services. ARCADIS differentiates through its talented and passionate people and its unique combination of capabilities covering the whole asset life cycle, its deep market sector insights and its ability to integrate health & safety and sustainability into the design and delivery of solutions across the globe. We are 28,000 people that generate more than €3 billion in revenues. We support UN-Habitat with knowledge and expertise to improve the quality of life in rapidly growing cities around the world.

Les médias du groupe Finyear

Lundi 18 Mai 2015

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