But the exact nature of the products being sold in such a marketplace is important. Unlike a traditional physical market localized to a nation state, the digital currency community is dispersed around the world. Moreover, most users hold relatively small balances, especially relative to their reserves of fiat currency. Finally, the community has a disproportionate share of engineers and computer scientists relative to the general world population.
Taking these constraints into account, we’ve built what we think of as the first micropayments marketplace: a marketplace that allows buyers and sellers to trade in digital goods using micropayments, initially specifically focused on APIs for developer use.
If you have a 21 Bitcoin Computer, you can explore the marketplace today at 21.co/mkt; if not, please go and sign up for our forthcoming free client at 21.co/free and you’ll be able to access it soon.
Taking these constraints into account, we’ve built what we think of as the first micropayments marketplace: a marketplace that allows buyers and sellers to trade in digital goods using micropayments, initially specifically focused on APIs for developer use.
If you have a 21 Bitcoin Computer, you can explore the marketplace today at 21.co/mkt; if not, please go and sign up for our forthcoming free client at 21.co/free and you’ll be able to access it soon.
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