Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Native launches invisible DEX layer for crypto

Native today announced the launch of its project-owned DEX layer for crypto.

Native created this technology because the crypto ecosystem has become too reliant on exchanges and market makers. Exchanges stand between users and projects, extracting fees and adding friction. Market makers operate in the shadows and few understand how they work. This needs to change. Crypto needs to become user-centric to scale to 1 billion users. That's why Native exists.

Native's technology empowers any project to become their own decentralized exchange (DEX). The protocol's unique architecture pairs the on-chain transparency and security of a decentralized exchange with the efficiency of a centralized exchange. This solves an important problem for cryptocurrency, disintermediating 3rd-party exchanges and giving individual applications full control over their user journey and liquidity. For more information, see Native's launch announcement on Medium.

Native is committed to building a community of projects and users who together bring crypto to a mainstream audience. Native's DEX layer makes the swap experience frictionless and user-friendly.

The team has already announced a technology partnership with Ankr, the leading blockchain infrastructure provider, and a long-term campaign partnership with Galxe, the leading Web3 credential data network. Stay tuned for additional collaborative ventures ahead.

About Native:
Native is a blockchain technology company bringing crypto to the next 1 billion users. For more information, visit



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Jeudi 19 Janvier 2023