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T3 Risk Management SA joins the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction Private Sector Partnership

T3 Risk Management, a Swiss wealth preservation and security solutions provider, has joined the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction Private Sector Partnership (DRR-PSP).

The Partnership brings together industry leaders committed to strengthening the resilience of communities, businesses and national infrastructures to natural disasters. The DRR-PSP draws upon the expertise of the private sector in order to support the vitally important work carried out by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR).

United Nations figures reveal that between 2000 and 2012 natural disasters caused cumulative losses totaling $1.7 trillion, while directly affecting 2.9 billion people. Extreme weather events are increasing sharply in their severity, with floods submerging cities as far apart as Brisbane, Australia and New York, USA and Karachi, Pakistan; while Japan, Italy, Turkey, Haiti and New Zealand have all suffered devastating earthquakes.

"We are extremely pleased to have this opportunity to work with some of the world's most influential companies involved in disaster contingency planning. Joining the DRR-PSP is part of our commitment to ensuring that T3's clients have access to the latest information and industry best practices in the field of disaster preparedness," said Igor Kryuchkov, managing director of T3 Risk Management."

"Since the turn of the century we have witnessed a surge in the number of natural and man-made disasters across the globe and the devastating collateral damage caused as a result both in economic and humanitarian terms."

"Individuals and companies should take decisive steps to improve disaster resilience, establish appropriate contingency plans and invest in their preparedness infrastructure."

"The threat of large scale disasters is no longer confined to developing economies. As the events surrounding the Fukushima power plant in Japan to hurricanes Sandy and Irene in the US to floods in Germany demonstrate, wealthy countries are not immune to disaster risks."

"Working extensively with high net worth individuals, T3 continues to impress upon its clients that the risks posed by disasters are real and must be addressed through careful planning. We firmly believe in the old adage that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

The impact of natural disasters
- Between 2000 and 2012 natural disasters caused $1.7 trillion in economic damages and were directly responsible for 1.2 million deaths. (Source: UNISDR)
- Global exposure to tropical cyclones has tripled in the last 40 years. (Source: UNISDR)
- 25% of businesses close their doors for good after a catastrophic event. (Source: Hewlett Packard and SCORE)
-80% of businesses that do not recover from a disaster within one month are likely to go out of business. (Source: Hewlett Packard and SCORE)
- In 2011, only 35% of small and medium-sized US businesses had a disaster recovery plan. (Source: Gartner Inc)

About T3 Risk Management SA
Geneva-based T3 Risk Management SA is a boutique consultancy firm delivering a comprehensive suite of wealth preservation, security and disaster preparedness solutions. As part of its disaster risk management offering, T3 consults on preparation and implementation of highly customized contingency plans, designed to protect our clients' assets and ensure safety of their families in the event of natural or man-made emergency situations. Additionally, the company supplies a wide range of associated equipment, including satellite telecommunication hardware and backup power systems. T3 Risk Management SA works with high net worth individuals, family offices, corporate service providers and SMEs from around the world.

The United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) is a strategic framework, adopted by United Nations Member States in 2000, aiming to guide and coordinate the efforts of a wide range of partners to:
- Achieve substantive reduction in disaster losses
- Build resilient nations and communities as an essential condition for sustainable development
UNISDR also serves as the focal point for the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) to protect lives and livelihoods against disasters. The HFA is a ten-year plan of action adopted in 2005 by 168 governments across the world.
UNISDR works with numerous organizations, States, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, financial institutions, technical bodies, the private sector and civil society, which work together and share information to reduce disaster risk. The UN provides the secretariat of the strategy.

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Mardi 4 Mars 2014

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