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Investment Banking Activity in Financials Sector: Thomson Reuters

Please click below for Thomson Reuters latest industry sector report, showing M&A, ECM and DCM activity and league tables in the Financials sector over the past 12 months, as well as investment banking fees by asset class in the sector. Highlights follow below.

Investment Banking Activity in Financials Sector: Thomson Reuters


- Fees for global investment banking services in the financial sector, from M&A advisory to capital markets underwriting, total US$16.0 billion so far during 2013, marking a 6% increase over the same period last year (US$15.0 billion).

- Advisory fees from completed M&A transactions total US$3.1 billion, accounting for 19% of the 2013 financial fee pool, down from 24% at this time last year. M&A was the only asset class to witness a decline in fees, down 13% year-on-year. Fees from debt capital markets underwriting drove activity in the sector, totalling US$5.6 billion and accounting for 35% of financial fees earned so far in 2013. Equity capital markets underwriting fees increased 26% to reach US$4.2 billion.

- Fees from syndicated lending increased 14% from last year to US$3.1 billion, the highest year-to-date total since 2007. Combined, deals in the financial sector generated 32.4% of the total global investment banking fees earned so far this year, up from 31.7% last year at this time.


- Announced M&A transactions in the financial sector total US$145.7 billion so far during 2013, down 22% from the same period in 2012 (US$187.7 billion), and marking the slowest year-to-date period in the sector since 2002. Financial deals account for 10.5% of total worldwide announced M&A so far this year.

- Deals targeting Banks account for 30% of financial M&A, while Insurance deal account for 25%. The United States is the most active nation, with 22% of all financial M&A involving a US-based target and 27% involving a US buyer. France and China are the next most popular targets, accounting for 13% and 9% of sector activity, respectively.

- The French government and Groupe Caisse des Depots & Consignations (CDC) merged their SME financing business activities in July to form a joint venture in a transaction valued at US$13.7 billion, the largest financial deal so far this year.


- Equity and equity-linked issuance by companies in the financial sector accounts for 19% of global equity capital markets activity so far this year. Financial companies have raised US$86 billion, a 6% decline from the same period in 2012 (US$91.6 billion), and the lowest year-to-date total in the sector since 2005. Follow-on offerings account for 63% of activity, while IPOs and convertible offerings each account for 19%. With 71 deals worth US$13.0 billion, the US is the most active nation for issuance in the financial sector with 15% of the market. The next most active nation is Germany, with 7 deals totalling US$9.2 billion and accounting for 11% of the sector. The US$5.1 billion initial public offering from BB Seguridade, the pension, annuity and insurance unit of state-controlled Banco do Brasil SA, is the world’s largest IPO across any sector so far this year.


- Bond issuance in the financial sector totals US$1.57 trillion so far during 2013, a 7% decline from the same period last year (US$1.69 trillion), and marking the lowest year-to-date total in the sector since 2009. JP Morgan Chase & Co’s US$6.4 billion bond offering in January is the largest bond issued in the financial sector so far this year.

- Financial DCM accounts for 46% of total global debt capital markets activity so far during 2013. Issuance from the United States totals US$674.8 billion and accounts for 43% of activity so far this year, while issuance from France accounts for 5.3%.

Note: Financials includes Banks, Brokerage, Insurance, Asset Management, Credit Institutions, Diversified Financials, Alternative Financial Investment and Other Financials.

Please click here for Thomson Reuters latest industry sector report, showing M&A, ECM and DCM activity and league tables in the Financials sector over the past 12 months, as well as investment banking fees by asset class in the sector:

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Thomson Reuters

Jeudi 5 Septembre 2013

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