What's the Blockchain, and Why Does Bitcoin Depend On It?

It’s going to unshackle us from the oppressive dungeon of fiat currency! But also criminals and rogue cops use it to do nefarious drug stuff! Digital currency is often defined by its volatile hype cycle. And yet its most promising feature is incredibly mundane-sounding: a bookkeeping system called “the blockchain.”
So what the heck is it?

The blockchain basics

The blockchain is a simple digital platform for recording and verifying transactions so that other people can’t erase them later — and anyone can see them. “You can think of the blockchain of an ‘append-only’ ledger. You can only write to it, you can’t delete it,” Peter van Valkenburg, the director of research at Coin Center, told Gizmodo.

But it’s what the blockchain doesn’t have that makes it controversial, and prone to giving venture capitalists greedboners. Bookkeeping tools generally require a bookkeeper, but with the blockchain, there is no head honcho bookie. It’s a decentralized, crowd-powered spreadsheet, relying on cryptography instead of a central authority.


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Chaineum est partenaire des rubriques blockchain de votre quotidien Finyear.
Pour lire tous les articles Finyear dédiés Blockchain rendez-vous sur www.finyear.com/search/Blockchain/

Chaineum est partenaire de la conférence "Blockchain Leaders" de février prochain éditée par Finyear.
Pour participer à la conférence inscrivez-vous sur www.bl0ckcha1n.com

Chaineum est bâtisseur de compagnies autonomes et décentralisées (incubateur new generation de projets blockchain).
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Vendredi 18 Décembre 2015

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