U.S. Business Angels, Venture Capital and Private Equities Probing Investment Opportunities in European Companies

Companies such as Softbank Capital, Industry Capital, Rand Capital Partners or Nexa Capital to convene in November in Europe and meet with all types of companies looking for funding.

The U.S. investment market is already interested in European companies, especially in IT.

Some U.S. investor angels, venture capital firms and major private equity funds will visit Europe next November to meet with European companies seeking funding, equity or project partners. Firms like Softbank Capital, Rand Capital, K5 Launch, The McLean Group, Maverick Angels or Global Energy Capital will participate in a business meeting to probe the activity and conduct meetings with European companies that are seeking both seed capital (in the case of start-ups, especially in technology), funding for large projects (primarily energy and aerospace), or venture capital investment to boost growth.

The U.S. investment market -well developed, active, with great experience and capital volume- set its sights on Europe when it identified the large number of projects and companies with promising technology, the high level of innovation and the opportunities for interesting shares representing significantly lower amounts than those that are used in United States.

In the case of seed capital for start-ups, investors seek to support new companies with high growth potential, either through the injection of money, or through their integration with another/other company/s in their portfolio. Meanwhile, venture capital seeks investments in companies in the process of growing or expanding that need capital injections to consolidate or enhance their development. Most investors are specialized in technology and innovation applied to a variety of markets: energy, manufacturing -aerospace, automobiles- or health (HealthTech). Although they evaluate hundreds of companies before making a decision and, due to the fact that the current European situation is showing clear signs of recovery and high innovation -yet lacking capital investment and venture capital culture- the European market is a very attractive place for U.S. investors. During the third quarter of 2013, the U.S. venture capital firms invested a total of $7,800 million in 1,005 agreements made across the country. Among them, $3,600 million were allocated to technology starts- ups.

These U.S. companies will participate in an investment panel during the business conference USA Week Europe, to be held at the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao from November 11 to 14, presenting to companies the business opportunities of the U.S. market for the next ten years. Companies attending the conference may submit their projects and during the gathering, there will be meetings held between investors and companies addressing those projects of greater interest to them. According to the director of USAWeek Europe, German Loperena, "U.S. investors are not only interested in the technology start-ups, but also in leading European companies in their respective sectors, as shown by the investment of Bill Gates in FCC or the increased investment in Europe of large companies such as Johnson & Johnson, Cisco Systems or IBM. "

The complete list of firms and investors, with a brief description and biography is available at: usaweek.org

Mercredi 13 Novembre 2013

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