A structure that emerged as the productive model of the industrial age of the nineteenth century. It has become a collection of rusting links, with producers and consumers stuck in obfuscated commodity-driven relationships that keep them both from fully understanding each other’s needs, the needs of the environments they inhabit, and the needs of fair and ethical labor practices. In a rapidly industrializing world, this model was necessary to move products from point A to point B. But it’s been two centuries, shouldn’t we start moving on?
The correct answer: Yes. By utilizing blockchain technology, we can build the necessary internal and external value networks for an entirely new infrastructure for provenance and supply chain management that is...
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The correct answer: Yes. By utilizing blockchain technology, we can build the necessary internal and external value networks for an entirely new infrastructure for provenance and supply chain management that is...
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Pour lire tous les articles Finyear dédiés Blockchain rendez-vous sur www.finyear.com/search/Blockchain/
Participez aux conférences Blockchain éditées par Finyear :
Assurchain (6 avril 2016)
Blockchain Vision ( 12 avril 2016)
Blockchain Pitch Day (10 mai 2016)
Blockchain, IoT & IA (projet juin 2016)
Blockchain Hackathon (projet septembre 2016)
Participez aux conférences Blockchain éditées par Finyear :
Assurchain (6 avril 2016)
Blockchain Vision ( 12 avril 2016)
Blockchain Pitch Day (10 mai 2016)
Blockchain, IoT & IA (projet juin 2016)
Blockchain Hackathon (projet septembre 2016)
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