The Mt. Washington Resort, nestled in the foothills of New Hampshire’s Presidential Range, was seventy-one years earlier the site of a meeting that fundamentally changed the global monetary structure. The world was reeling from the aftermath of World War II and leaders feared that if countries failed to adopt functional monetary policies the global economy could fall into an abyss. The result was known as the Bretton Woods Accord and put the US Dollar, pegged to gold, at the center of the world’s trade system, where it sits today.
One of the reasons this resort was chosen in 1944 was its remote location, which would permit delegates to break free from the distractions that may have occupied their attention in a busier setting. We chose the location for a similar reason and found that as we approached Bretton Woods, the rich, relaxing setting began to have its effect. We came as strangers, shuttling in from nearby hometowns and international airports. Libertarians carpooled with federal regulators and it was enlightening for all.
We believe that we now find ourselves in a situation not unlike that faced by our predecessors...
In discussing what we sought to secure through our work in Bretton Woods, we wanted to tackle more than we could possibly address in one workshop. We understood that, typically, those who try to make their product all things to all people end up making it nothing to any. That said, we hope this paper, as broad as it is in scope, can serve three important goals:
• Serve to inform those new to Bitcoin and blockchain technology of opportunities they may not have considered previously.
• Better inform members of the Bitcoin community of potential hurdles that may impede their ability to effect change, which they may not have realized.
• Serve as a primary document for how industry experts viewed Bitcoin and blockchain technologies in the year 2015.
A few notes on the subject of identifying opportunities for Bitcoin and the blockchain to disrupt and improve the world:
1. Goals exist both on a large, strategic scale such as human empowerment, and also on a more tactical scale, such as specific opportunities or use cases. Since many of these specific opportunities fit within multiple overarching goals, the first section will address overarching goals and tie specific opportunities to each of them.
2. The diversity of viewpoints represented by the authors of this paper means that the authors, and ultimately the signers, cannot endorse the idea that the realization of the enumerated goals are in themselves worth the cost of disruption, or that such a realization is in itself a goal worth pursuing.
At the core of Bitcoin is the ability to send money faster around the globe, improve property rights, and enable people who have never met to fully trust one another.
Joe Colangelo, Executive Director
Consumers’ Research
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One of the reasons this resort was chosen in 1944 was its remote location, which would permit delegates to break free from the distractions that may have occupied their attention in a busier setting. We chose the location for a similar reason and found that as we approached Bretton Woods, the rich, relaxing setting began to have its effect. We came as strangers, shuttling in from nearby hometowns and international airports. Libertarians carpooled with federal regulators and it was enlightening for all.
We believe that we now find ourselves in a situation not unlike that faced by our predecessors...
In discussing what we sought to secure through our work in Bretton Woods, we wanted to tackle more than we could possibly address in one workshop. We understood that, typically, those who try to make their product all things to all people end up making it nothing to any. That said, we hope this paper, as broad as it is in scope, can serve three important goals:
• Serve to inform those new to Bitcoin and blockchain technology of opportunities they may not have considered previously.
• Better inform members of the Bitcoin community of potential hurdles that may impede their ability to effect change, which they may not have realized.
• Serve as a primary document for how industry experts viewed Bitcoin and blockchain technologies in the year 2015.
A few notes on the subject of identifying opportunities for Bitcoin and the blockchain to disrupt and improve the world:
1. Goals exist both on a large, strategic scale such as human empowerment, and also on a more tactical scale, such as specific opportunities or use cases. Since many of these specific opportunities fit within multiple overarching goals, the first section will address overarching goals and tie specific opportunities to each of them.
2. The diversity of viewpoints represented by the authors of this paper means that the authors, and ultimately the signers, cannot endorse the idea that the realization of the enumerated goals are in themselves worth the cost of disruption, or that such a realization is in itself a goal worth pursuing.
At the core of Bitcoin is the ability to send money faster around the globe, improve property rights, and enable people who have never met to fully trust one another.
Joe Colangelo, Executive Director
Consumers’ Research
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