Tagetik Sponsors Ventana Research Benchmark Study Examining Business and Technology Transformations in the Office of Finance

Research results will provide a detailed picture of the current state and future direction of Finance providing critical insight for driving the future of Financial Performance and Analytics software.

Ventana Research, a leading business technology research and advisory firm, recently launched a new benchmarking study focused on finance transformation - the shifting from transaction processing to more strategic, higher value functions. The study, sponsored by Tagetik, a global provider of enterprise software solutions for performance management, disclosure management, financial governance and business intelligence, will delve into the key pain points and priorities of today's finance organizations, identify technology trends, and highlight best practices used by the most innovative organizations.

The research survey is open to finance professionals at companies with more than 100 employees or more than $10M in annual revenue. To participate in the research clickhere to fill out the survey. Those participating in the research will receive a complete copy of the research results, complimentary registration to a webinar detailing research findings, and an Amazon gift card as a small thank you for their contribution. All qualified participants will be entered into a drawing to win one of 25 benchmark research reports and a 30-minute consultation with a Ventana Research Vice President.

The study, expected for completion in Q3 2014, will examine a wide range of relevant factors, such as:
- Availability, accuracy, auditability and timeliness of finance data
- Adoption of advanced analytics and modeling
- Current uses of software and spreadsheets
- Specific finance initiatives conducted over last 18 months
- Considerations for software evaluation and selection
- Purchasing plans for new technology (what kind and when)
- Attitudes and beliefs about cloud-based applications

"Ventana's benchmarking research will give us valuable insight into the needs and priorities of finance organizations," said Dave Kasabian, senior vice president of product marketing & strategy at Tagetik. "We know that the next few years represent a critical turning point for most finance executives as they look to applications, analytics, and technology advancements to enable them to take a more strategic, forward-looking role. We want to ensure we're there for them - with the right offerings, at the right time - and this research will help us accomplish that."

"A generational change is taking place in business software," observed Robert Kugel, senior vice president and research director at Ventana Research. "Today's finance professionals have grown up with technology and have much higher expectations of what software should be able to do. At the same time, a decade of technology advances - especially in-memory computing and the growing sophistication of cloud-based applications - is giving them the opportunity to use these technologies to help redefine how finance departments operate, now and in the future, so they can be more of a strategic asset in their company's operations. This research will help pinpoint where organizations are today and how they planning for technology transitions that will drive the future of finance."

Ventana Research

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