Shawn’s Monday Morning Maxim

When it comes to influencing organizational change, there is truly strength in numbers. Through the engagement of individuals who represent various stakeholder segments, we are able to attain diversity in opinion and collective agreement to solutions and change.

Shawn Casemore
This approach is not new, having been the intent the structure and decision making processes used in local, regional and national political forums. Unfortunately the approach has failed in light of the fact that most politicians are not in touch with the values, beliefs and ideas of their constituents (this is not a political statement, it’s simply an observed fact).

If you want to initiate change in your organization, build teams of stakeholder representatives and provide them with your objectives (not your proposed solutions). If facilitated correctly, this group will identify creative solutions that are both palatable and sound, creating momentum towards significant organizational change. This is employee engagement in it’s most powerful and valuable application.

Shawn Casemore, President, Casemore and Co.

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Mardi 11 Mars 2014

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