Otonomos allows companies to be formed, funded and governed on the blockchain

Otonomos is engineering the world's first blockchain-chartered company, in which you hold your shares in the same way as owning bitcoins in a digital wallet.

When you form a BCC through Otonomos, you can transfer equity peer-to-peer to attract co-founders, remunerate collaborators, invite new private investors or get funding from the crowd at large.

No matter how dispersed your share ownership, our blockchain-native technology automatically updates your cap table and helps you govern your company using self-enforceable, smart contracts.

- Otonomos allows companies to incorporate online on the blockchain – company shares are written as digital tokens on the blockchain, held in a cryptographic wallet, transferable peer-to-peer and programmable similar to software.
- The firm’s services are available in Singapore and Hong Kong, with plans to expand to the U.K.


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Jeudi 21 Janvier 2016

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