Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Coinfirm launches blockchain tech lab has announced the launch of a blockchain technology lab in Warsaw, Poland. The Coinfirm Block Lab was designed to bring financial, regulatory and educational institutions together to work on blockchain technology, according to a press release.

The lab will help connect startups, investors and partners from around the globe, and is currently partnered with the bitcoin exchange Bitcurex.

"It will be a great environment to work on solutions around bitcoin, Ethereum, smart contracts and compliance but will address countless types of applications. Much like the Internet was in the '90s, blockchain is going to very quickly affect countless industries and become a significant part of the systems that run our daily lives," said Paweł Kuskowski, co-founder of Coinfirm. "Development and access at this stage should not only be available to financial institutions or well funded companies but also governments, developers, universities and other startups."

The Coinfirm Block Lab is currently working on several projects such as the IDbity project, which rewards developers rewards for finding errors in the blockchain and working on applications for the underbanked, according to the press release.

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Blockchain Pitch Day#1 (10 mai 2016)
Blockchain Vision #4 ( 7 juin 2016)
Blockchain Hackathon #1 (octobre 2016)

Finyear est partenaire média de France Blocktech, l'association française de l'écosystème blockchain.

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Mercredi 11 Mai 2016

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