Bizagi BPM Suite receives TEC Certification

Bizagi BPM supports real-world business processes and ability to perform to industry benchmarks.

Bizagi to sponsor the Gartner Business Process Management Summit 2015.

Bizagi, the UK-based BPMS (Business Process Management Suite) provider is proud to announce its inclusion in a leading analysts’ report.

The report - undertaken by Jorge García, TEC Analyst, on behalf of online evaluation centre - sees Bizagi join leading BPM providers in TEC’s Information Management and Collaboration Center, an initiative that exists to de-risk software investments through the provision of impartial and independent analysis.

In its detailed BPM Suite Functionality review, Bizagi received above average scores in all 8 categories, exceling in Process Modeling, Form Management and achieving a perfect ranking for Security Management, defined as Bizagi’s ‘strongest and most core asset’.


Utilising the TEC Focus Indicator, the report’s creator, Jorge Garcia, was able to score Bizagi’s differentiators within the Business Process Management space, including:
- Extensive capabilities for process monitoring & management
- Strong and easy to use process modeling including BPMN compliance
- Well defined and powerful tools for form design, creation & management
- Security management – deemed ‘excellent’
- Looking ahead

Noteworthy additions include Bizagi’s recently improved Business activity monitoring (BAM) and process analytics via tables. Looking forward, the report praised Bizagi’s continued drive towards adaptive Web design, (AWD) advanced case management, and future business process as a service (BPaaS) capabilities.

Concluding, Jorge García, TEC Analyst, commented:
"Bizagi has been able to incorporate many outstanding features characteristic of a state-of-the-art BPM solution within a simple yet powerful business process management suite. Bizagi is a solution that should be given due consideration by organizations looking for a fully-fledged BPM solution."

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Lundi 23 Mars 2015

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