Basel III - the cartoon version

The EU is implementing Basel III through a package of legislation called CRD IV (Capital Requirements Directive IV). Following months of intense lobbying, legislators are wrestling with more than 2,000 amendments to the text, which they hope to finalise this summer.

Dear Reader,

You have heard of Basel III but have you ever wondered what this famous bank regulation really means?

Finance Watch has produced this cartoon to illustrate how taxpayers might be affected in another banking crisis.

The EU is passing Basel III into law right now. It is vital that it gets the rules right – for taxpayers as well as banks - because we can’t afford another bank bail-out.

Please enjoy the cartoon and, if you like it, pass it around your network.

Kind regards

Thierry Philipponnat
Secretary General, on behalf of the Finance Watch team.

Vendredi 6 Avril 2012

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