You need a platform that provides the framework for rapid selection of Blockchain ideas and the subsequent prototyping. As this is such a new but rapidly maturing field (technology and business process) there can be significant internal challenges to getting a project off the ground.
At GFT we have addressed this by creating a lean incubator to develop these ideas. When designing the incubator we agreed on topics such as funding and ongoing funding approvals, decision points, when to fail a project, business and technology mentoring and support for project teams. Deciding on this framework upfront avoids slowing down innovation later in the process.
This enabled GFT’s management to support cultural change and create an environment conducive to technology entrepreneurship.
Download our Thought Leadership: "A blueprint for initiating business change using Blockchain"
At GFT we have addressed this by creating a lean incubator to develop these ideas. When designing the incubator we agreed on topics such as funding and ongoing funding approvals, decision points, when to fail a project, business and technology mentoring and support for project teams. Deciding on this framework upfront avoids slowing down innovation later in the process.
This enabled GFT’s management to support cultural change and create an environment conducive to technology entrepreneurship.
Download our Thought Leadership: "A blueprint for initiating business change using Blockchain"
Pour lire tous les articles Finyear dédiés Blockchain rendez-vous sur
Participez aux conférences Blockchain éditées par Finyear :
Assurchain (6 avril 2016)
Blockchain Vision ( 12 avril 2016)
Blockchain Pitch Day (10 mai 2016)
Blockchain, IoT & IA (projet juin 2016)
Blockchain Hackathon (projet septembre 2016)
Participez aux conférences Blockchain éditées par Finyear :
Assurchain (6 avril 2016)
Blockchain Vision ( 12 avril 2016)
Blockchain Pitch Day (10 mai 2016)
Blockchain, IoT & IA (projet juin 2016)
Blockchain Hackathon (projet septembre 2016)
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