3V Finance Treasury Solutions announces full integration with FXall dealing platform

Working for corporate treasury department of bioMerieux company in France, 3V Finance announced that TITAN Treasury software is now connected live with FXall dealing platform.

Currencies and Interest rates derivatives transactions are automatically imported into TITAN Treasury and Risk management system.

Complete automatization of treasury trades will bring more security and efficiency to bioMerieux and other 3V Finance's clients throughout the world.

3V Finance’s International Sales Director, Franck Brision declares : “The addition of FXall in the list of dealing platforms connected to our TMS TITAN Treasury is good news for our clients as they have now the choice. In addition FXall is a member of Thomson Reuters group now and well positioned as a reference dealing platform in countries where we have ambitions to grow. Our client bioMerieux is happy about this first integration and this is the most important thing for us “

3V Finance

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Mardi 21 Janvier 2014

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